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hash table - hash map - 哈希表 - 散列表 - C

程序员文章站 2022-07-15 15:46:11

hash table - hash map - 哈希表 - 散列表 - C

hash table,hash map:哈希表,散列表
hash function:哈希函数,散列函数
key-value pair,KVP:键值对
collision [kə'lɪʒ(ə)n]:n. 抵触,碰撞 (或相撞) 事故

Hash Table is a data structure which stores data in an associative manner. In a hash table, data is stored in an array format, where each data value has its own unique index value. Access of data becomes very fast if we know the index of the desired data.

Thus, it becomes a data structure in which insertion and search operations are very fast irrespective of the size of the data. Hash Table uses an array as a storage medium and uses hash technique to generate an index where an element is to be inserted or is to be located from.

irrespective [.ɪrɪ'spektɪv]:adj. 不顾 [不考虑,不问] … 的

1. Hashing

Hashing is a technique to convert a range of key values into a range of indexes of an array. We’re going to use modulo operator to get a range of key values. Consider an example of hash table of size 20, and the following items are to be stored. Item are in the (key, value) format.
散列是一种将键值范围转换为数组索引范围的技术。我们将使用模运算符来获取一系列键值。考虑一个大小为 20 的哈希表的示例,以下各项将被存储。项目采用 (key, value) 格式。

hash table - hash map - 哈希表 - 散列表 - C

(1, 20)
(2, 70)
(42, 80)
(4, 25)
(12, 44)
(14, 32)
(17, 11)
(13, 78)
(37, 98)
Sr.No. Key Hash Array Index
1 1 1 % 20 = 1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2
3 42 42 % 20 = 2 2
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4
5 12 12 % 20 = 12 12
6 14 14 % 20 = 14 14
7 17 17 % 20 = 17 17
8 13 13 % 20 = 13 13
9 37 37 % 20 = 17 17
serial number,sr. no.:***,编号

2. Linear Probing

As we can see, it may happen that the hashing technique is used to create an already used index of the array. In such a case, we can search the next empty location in the array by looking into the next cell until we find an empty cell. This technique is called linear probing.

Sr.No. Key Hash Array Index After Linear Probing, Array Index
1 1 1 % 20 = 1 1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2 2
3 42 42 % 20 = 2 2 3
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4 4
5 12 12 % 20 = 12 12 12
6 14 14 % 20 = 14 14 14
7 17 17 % 20 = 17 17 17
8 13 13 % 20 = 13 13 13
9 37 37 % 20 = 17 17 18

3. Basic Operations

Search - Searches an element in a hash table.
Insert - Inserts an element in a hash table.
Delete - Deletes an element from a hash table.

