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20190715《Python网络数据采集》第 1 章

程序员文章站 2022-05-29 10:19:43
1. 爬虫常见得异常及处理方法,用一个简单得爬虫代码解释,核心知识点: (1)异常一:网页在服务器上不存在(或者获取页面时,出现错误)。该异常发生时,程序会返回HTTP错误,如“404 Page Not Found” "500 Internet Server Error"等。 (2)异常二:服务器不 ......

1. 爬虫常见得异常及处理方法,用一个简单得爬虫代码解释,核心知识点:

(1)异常一:网页在服务器上不存在(或者获取页面时,出现错误)。该异常发生时,程序会返回http错误,如“404 page not found” "500 internet server error"等。



 1 from urllib.request import urlopen
 2 from bs4 import beautifulsoup
 4 try:
 5     html = urlopen("http://pythonscraping.com/pages/page1.html")
 6 # print(html.read())
 7 # 检测:网页在服务器上是否存在(或者获取页面时是否出现错误)
 8 except httperror as e:
 9     print(e)
10 else:
11     bsobj = beautifulsoup(html.read())
12     # 检测:服务器是否存在(就是说链接能否打开,或者是url链接写错了)
13     if html is none:
14         print("url is not found")
15     else:
16         print(bsobj.h1)
17         # print(bsobj.title)


 1 # 以上代码更改为检测异常更全面、可读性更强的代码,如下:
 2 from urllib.request import urlopen
 3 from bs4 import beautifulsoup
 5 def gettitle(url):
 6     try:
 7         html = urlopen(url)
 8     except httperror as e:
 9         return none
10     try:
11         bsobj = beautifulsoup(html.read())
12         title = bsobj.body.h1
13     except attributeerror as e:
14         return
15     return title
17 title1 = gettitle("http://pythonscraping.com/pages/page1.html")
18 if title1 == none:
19     print("title could not be found")
20 else:
21     print(title1)


 indentationerror: unexpected indent process finished with exit code 1
