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Xtrabackup版本低,不支持备份MySQL8.0.20,提示Unknown redo log format (4).

程序员文章站 2022-05-01 19:52:30
备份时出现下面的提示Unknown redo log format (4). Please follow the instructions at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/ upgrading-downgrading.html.MySQL8.0.20的Release Note中有下面的提示:InnoDB: Redo log records for modifications to undo tablespaces increased .....

Xtrabackup版本低,不支持备份MySQL8.0.20,提示Unknown redo log format (4).


Unknown redo log format (4). Please follow the instructions at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/ upgrading-downgrading.html.

MySQL8.0.20的Release Note中有下面的提示:

InnoDB: Redo log records for modifications to undo tablespaces increased in size in MySQL 8.0 due to a change in undo tablespace ID values, which required additional bytes. The change in redo log record size caused a performance regression in workloads with heavy write I/O. To address this issue, the redo log format was modified to reduce redo log record size for modifications to undo tablespaces. (Bug #29536710)

MySQL修改redo log格式版本的原因是在MySQL 8.0中,由于undo表空间ID值的变化,undo表空间修改的重做日志记录的大小增加了,导致需要额外的字节存储,redo log记录大小的变化导致写I/O较多的工作负载的性能下降(官方记录是10%),为了解决这个问题,对redo log日志格式进行了修改(优化)




相关标签: 备份与恢复