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【LaTeX Template】Author Biography

程序员文章站 2022-04-25 19:01:55

Title Page

【LaTeX Template】Author Biography

Cover page

【LaTeX Template】Author Biography

Conflicts of Interest Page

【LaTeX Template】Author Biography

Biography Page

【LaTeX Template】Author Biography


\documentclass[review, 12pt]{elsarticle}




\presetkeys{authorbib}{imagepos=l, imagewidth=4cm, wraplines=8, overhang=20pt}{}
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% \usepackage{cite} 
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\def\myauthor{Author 1, Author 2} % Author
\def\mycoauthor{} % co-author
\def\mytitle{Article Title Article Title Article Title Article Title} % title
\def\mydate{\today} % date
\def\myjournal{Journal} % date

% \maketitle
    {\Large \textbf{\mytitle}}
    \par \vspace{2cm}
    \par \vspace{13cm}

\section*{Cover letter}

\begin{tcolorbox}[title = To Editor]
\noindent Dear Editor:

\quad We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled \textit{\mytitle}, which we wish to be considered for publication in \textit{\myjournal}.

\quad We claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

\quad Thank you very much for consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.





\section*{Conflicts of Interest}

The authors declare that this paper is original and has no conflict of interest.


\section*{Author Biography}

\authorbibliography[scale=0.5, wraplines=8, overhang=40pt, imagewidth=0.25\textwidth, imagepos=r]{authors/author_1.jpg}{Author 1}{
  received his M.S. degree in...

\authorbibliography[scale=0.5, wraplines=8, overhang=40pt, imagewidth=0.25\textwidth, imagepos=r]{authors/author_2.jpg}{Author 2}{
  received his M.S. degree in...

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