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程序员文章站 2022-04-19 13:18:07
定位硬盘盘位和盘符的方法 From Lin.Wang [TOC] Section One : Introduction strocli是megacli的升级版本,针对于戴尔服务器是perccli,用法完全一致 smartctl可以查看磁盘的主控芯片smart信息 lsscsi可以查看系统的scsi信 ......

from lin.wang

section one : introduction





section two : install package


ln -s /opt/megaraid/storcli/storcli64 /usr/bin/

ln -s /opt/megaraid/perccli/percclie64 /usr/bin/

section three : step


  1. perccli64 /c0/eall/sall show 看到该磁盘有



    从该图看到有四个jbod分区,根据经验一般人为jbod的分区系统盘符会在raid分区之前,也就是说jbod的分区会从/dev/sda > /dev/sdd,raid的分区从/dev/sde开始;

    dg代表drive group,是配置raid建分组的顺序,有图上看到32:4和32:5是一个卷组。

  2. perccli64 /c0/vall show看到该磁盘的dg与vd的对应关系如下



​ 由图上看到dg/vd就是raid的卷组和系统里卷组的顺序对应关系,一般如果服务器只有raid卷组来说的话,vd0就是操作系统里的/dev/sda,以此类推;但是如果服务器包括了jbod卷组,则raid的卷组从jbod后开始排序,本例中也就是vd0=/dev/sde,则要定位/dev/sdf的话vd=1,对应dg=1;

​ 回到img-/c0/eall/sall上,dg为1时,did=6,did就是device id,这个概念后边有用;同时slot no.也就是slt = 6对应的服务器上盘位就是第7个(从0开始到6),此时即定位到了/dev/sdf的物理盘位。



​ 如果服务器没有jbod卷组,全是raid的,则此时/c0/vall找到对应关系即可定位关联关系

​ 实际操作时还可以通过 perccli64 /c0/e32/s6 start/stop locate点亮关闭磁盘灯,来判断定位是否正确

section four : storcli/perccli usage


perccli64 show ctrlcount 查看有几个控制器即几个raid卡

perccli64 show 显示raid卡信息

[root@node-15 ~]# perccli64 show
status code = 0
status = success
description = none

number of controllers = 1
host name = node-15.domain.tld
operating system  = linux3.10.0-327.20.1.es2.el7.x86_64

system overview :

ctl model        ports pds dgs dnopt vds vnopt bbu spr ds ehs asos hlth 
  0 perch730mini     8  16  11     0  11     0 opt on  3  n      0 opt  

ctl=controller index|dgs=drive groups|vds=virtual drives|fld=failed
pds=physical drives|dnopt=dg notoptimal|vnopt=vd notoptimal|opt=optimal
msng=missing|dgd=degraded|ndatn=need attention|unkwn=unknown
spr=scheduled patrol read|ds=dimmerswitch|ehs=emergency hot spare
y=yes|n=no|asos=advanced software options|bbu=battery backup unit
hlth=health|safe=safe-mode boot

可以看到只有一个raid卡,ctrl 0也是就是/c0

storcli64 /c0 show

[root@node-15 ~]# perccli64 /c0 show
generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.

controller = 0
status = success
description = none

product name = perc h730 mini
serial number = 663021z
sas address =  51866da066153000
pci address = 00:03:00:00
system time = 01/10/2019 20:48:38
mfg. date = 06/17/16
controller time = 01/10/2019 12:44:21
fw package build =
bios version =
fw version = 4.260.00-6259
driver name = megaraid_sas
driver version = 06.807.10.00-rh1
current personality = raid-mode
vendor id = 0x1000
device id = 0x5d
subvendor id = 0x1028
subdevice id = 0x1f49
host interface = pci-e
device interface = sas-12g
bus number = 3
device number = 0
function number = 0
drive groups = 11

topology :

dg arr row eid:slot did type  state bt     size pdc  pi sed ds3  fspace tr 
 0 -   -   -        -   raid1 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 0 0   -   -        -   raid1 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 0 0   0   32:4     4   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 0 0   1   32:5     5   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 1 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 1 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 1 0   0   32:6     6   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 2 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 2 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 2 0   0   32:7     7   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 3 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 3 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 3 0   0   32:8     8   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 4 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 4 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 4 0   0   32:9     9   drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 5 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 5 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 5 0   0   32:10    10  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 6 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 6 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 6 0   0   32:11    11  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 7 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 7 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 7 0   0   32:12    12  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 8 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 8 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 8 0   0   32:13    13  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
 9 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 9 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
 9 0   0   32:14    14  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  
10 -   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
10 0   -   -        -   raid0 optl  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt n      n  
10 0   0   32:15    15  drive onln  n  931.0 gb dflt n  n   dflt -      n  

dg=disk group index|arr=array index|row=row index|eid=enclosure device id
did=device id|type=drive type|onln=online|rbld=rebuild|dgrd=degraded
pdgd=partially degraded|offln=offline|bt=background task active
pdc=pd cache|pi=protection info|sed=self encrypting drive|frgn=foreign
ds3=dimmer switch 3|dflt=default|msng=missing|fspace=free space present
tr=transport ready

virtual drives = 11

vd list :

dg/vd type  state access consist cache cac scc     size name 
0/0   raid1 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
1/1   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
2/2   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
3/3   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
4/4   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
5/5   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
6/6   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
7/7   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
8/8   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
9/9   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
10/10 raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      

cac=cachecade|rec=recovery|ofln=offline|pdgd=partially degraded|dgrd=degraded
optl=optimal|ro=read only|rw=read write|hd=hidden|trans=transportready|b=blocked|
consist=consistent|r=read ahead always|nr=no read ahead|wb=writeback|
fwb=force writeback|wt=writethrough|c=cached io|d=direct io|scc=scheduled
check consistency

physical drives = 16

pd list :

eid:slt did state dg      size intf med sed pi sesz model                sp 
32:0      0 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:1      1 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:2      2 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:3      3 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:4      4 onln  0   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:5      5 onln  0   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:6      6 onln  1   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:7      7 onln  2   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:8      8 onln  3   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:9      9 onln  4   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:10    10 onln  5   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:11    11 onln  6   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:12    12 onln  7   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:13    13 onln  8   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:14    14 onln  9   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:15    15 onln  10  931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  

eid-enclosure device id|slt-slot no.|did-device id|dg-drivegroup
dhs-dedicated hot spare|ugood-unconfigured good|ghs-global hotspare
ubad-unconfigured bad|onln-online|offln-offline|intf-interface
med-media type|sed-self encryptive drive|pi-protection info
sesz-sector size|sp-spun|u-up|d-down/powersave|t-transition|f-foreign
ugunsp-unsupported|ugshld-unconfigured shielded|hspshld-hotspare shielded
cfshld-configured shielded|cpybck-copyback|cbshld-copyback shielded

bbu_info :

model state   retentiontime temp mode mfgdate 
bbu   optimal 0 hour(s)     38c  -    0/00/00 
看磁盘的device id、slot no. 以及drivegroup
[root@node-15 ~]# perccli64 /c0/eall/sall show
controller = 0
status = success
description = show drive information succeeded.

drive information :

eid:slt did state dg      size intf med sed pi sesz model                sp 
32:0      0 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:1      1 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:2      2 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:3      3 jbod  -  185.75 gb sata ssd n   n  512b intel ssdsc2bx200g4r u  
32:4      4 onln  0   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:5      5 onln  0   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:6      6 onln  1   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:7      7 onln  2   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:8      8 onln  3   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:9      9 onln  4   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:10    10 onln  5   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:11    11 onln  6   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:12    12 onln  7   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:13    13 onln  8   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:14    14 onln  9   931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  
32:15    15 onln  10  931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns         u  

eid-enclosure device id|slt-slot no.|did-device id|dg-drivegroup
dhs-dedicated hot spare|ugood-unconfigured good|ghs-global hotspare
ubad-unconfigured bad|onln-online|offln-offline|intf-interface
med-media type|sed-self encryptive drive|pi-protection info
sesz-sector size|sp-spun|u-up|d-down/powersave|t-transition|f-foreign
ugunsp-unsupported|ugshld-unconfigured shielded|hspshld-hotspare shielded
cfshld-configured shielded|cpybck-copyback|cbshld-copyback shielded


​ 根据经验,jbod的分区在raid的分区之前

[root@node-15 ~]# perccli64 /c0/e32/s6 show all
controller = 0
status = success
description = show drive information succeeded.

drive /c0/e32/s6 :

eid:slt did state dg     size intf med sed pi sesz model        sp 
32:6      6 onln   1 931.0 gb sata hdd n   n  512b st91000640ns u  

eid-enclosure device id|slt-slot no.|did-device id|dg-drivegroup
dhs-dedicated hot spare|ugood-unconfigured good|ghs-global hotspare
ubad-unconfigured bad|onln-online|offln-offline|intf-interface
med-media type|sed-self encryptive drive|pi-protection info
sesz-sector size|sp-spun|u-up|d-down/powersave|t-transition|f-foreign
ugunsp-unsupported|ugshld-unconfigured shielded|hspshld-hotspare shielded
cfshld-configured shielded|cpybck-copyback|cbshld-copyback shielded

drive /c0/e32/s6 - detailed information :

drive /c0/e32/s6 state :
shield counter = 0
media error count = 46431               *** 很明显的问题发生了46431次介质错误 ***
other error count = 0
drive temperature =  31c (87.80 f)  
predictive failure count = 126          *** 预测故障次数126次 ***
s.m.a.r.t alert flagged by drive = yes

drive /c0/e32/s6 device attributes :
sn = 9xga228l
manufacturer id = ata     
model number = st91000640ns
nand vendor = na
wwn = 5000c500918f2f8a
firmware revision =     aa63
raw size = 931.512 gb [0x74706db0 sectors]
coerced size = 931.0 gb [0x74600000 sectors]
non coerced size = 931.012 gb [0x74606db0 sectors]
device speed = 6.0gb/s
link speed = 12.0gb/s
ncq setting = n/a
write cache = enabled
logical sector size = 512b
physical sector size = 512b
connector name = 00 

drive /c0/e32/s6 policies/settings :
drive position = drivegroup:1, span:0, row:0
enclosure position = 0
connected port number = 0(path0) 
sequence number = 2
commissioned spare = no
emergency spare = no
last predictive failure event sequence number = 95183    *** 上一次预测错误的序号95183 ***
successful diagnostics completion on = n/a
sed capable = no
sed enabled = no
secured = no
cryptographic erase capable = no
locked = no
needs ekm attention = no
pi eligible = no
certified = yes
wide port capable = no

port information :

port status linkspeed sas address        
   0 active 12.0gb/s  0x500056b33fefe586 

inquiry data = 
5a 0c ff 3f 37 c8 10 00 00 00 00 00 3f 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 
58 39 41 47 32 32 4c 38 00 00 00 00 04 00 20 20 
20 20 41 41 33 36 54 53 31 39 30 30 36 30 30 34 
53 4e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 80 
00 40 00 2f 00 40 00 02 00 02 07 00 ff 3f 10 00 
3f 00 10 fc fb 00 10 00 ff ff ff 0f 00 00 07 00 


通过单个卷组的信息查看,发现了media error,说明了硬盘是有问题的

[root@node-15 ~]# perccli64 /c0/vall show
controller = 0
status = success
description = none

virtual drives :

dg/vd type  state access consist cache cac scc     size name 
0/0   raid1 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
1/1   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
2/2   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
3/3   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
4/4   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
5/5   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
6/6   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
7/7   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
8/8   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
9/9   raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      
10/10 raid0 optl  rw     yes     rwbd  -   off 931.0 gb      

cac=cachecade|rec=recovery|ofln=offline|pdgd=partially degraded|dgrd=degraded
optl=optimal|ro=read only|rw=read write|hd=hidden|trans=transportready|b=blocked|
consist=consistent|r=read ahead always|nr=no read ahead|wb=writeback|
fwb=force writeback|wt=writethrough|c=cached io|d=direct io|scc=scheduled
check consistency




storcli64 /c0 show time 显示raid的时间

storcli64 /c0 show alilog logfile=node-x.alilog 获取alilog,所有的log都包括了

storcli64 /c0 show all logfile=node-x.all.log raid卡的信息

storcli64 /c0 show badblocks 磁盘坏道的信息

perccli64 /c0 show events filter=fatal 显示事件级别为fatal的,可以获取所有毁灭性事件的信息,发现磁盘故障或raid卡故障

perccli64 /c0 show cc 数据一致性检测,raid1以上的级别多个盘的数据是需要进行一致性检测的,但是单盘raid0可能是不需要的,是否影响性能不确定

section five : smartctl get error info of disks

common commands usage description

--scan scan for devices

--scan-open scan for devices and try to open each device

-x, --xall show all information for device

-a, --all show all smart information for device

-i, --info show identity information for device

-d type, --device=type specify device type to one of: ata, scsi, nvme[,nsid], sat[,auto][,n][+type], usbcypress[,x], usbjmicron[,p][,x][,n], usbprolific, usbsunplus, marvell, areca,n/e, 3ware,n, hpt,l/m/n, megaraid,n, aacraid,h,l,id, cciss,n, auto, test

-s value, --smart=value enable/disable smart on device (on/off)

-o value, --offlineauto=value(ata) enable/disable automatic offline testing on device (on/off)

-s value, --saveauto=value(ata) enable/disable attribute autosave on device (on/off)

-h, --health show device smart health status

-c, --capabilities(ata,nvme) show device smart capabilities

-a, --attributes show device smart vendor-specific attributes and values

-l type, --log=type show device log. type: error, selftest, selective, directory[,g|s],
​ xerror[,n][,error], xselftest[,n][,selftest],
​ background, sasphy[,reset], sataphy[,reset],
​ scttemp[sts,hist], scttempint,n[,p],
​ scterc[,n,m], devstat[,n], ssd,
​ gplog,n[,range], smartlog,n[,range],
​ nvmelog,n,size

-t test, --test=test run test. test: offline, short, long, conveyance, force, vendor,n,
​ select,m-n, pending,n, afterselect,[on|off]

-x, --abort abort any non-captive test on device

get info for /dev/sdf

[root@node-15 ~]# smartctl --scan
/dev/sda -d scsi # /dev/sda, scsi device
/dev/sdb -d scsi # /dev/sdb, scsi device
/dev/sdc -d scsi # /dev/sdc, scsi device
/dev/sdd -d scsi # /dev/sdd, scsi device
/dev/sde -d scsi # /dev/sde, scsi device
/dev/sdf -d scsi # /dev/sdf, scsi device
/dev/sdg -d scsi # /dev/sdg, scsi device
/dev/sdh -d scsi # /dev/sdh, scsi device
/dev/sdi -d scsi # /dev/sdi, scsi device
/dev/sdj -d scsi # /dev/sdj, scsi device
/dev/sdk -d scsi # /dev/sdk, scsi device
/dev/sdl -d scsi # /dev/sdl, scsi device
/dev/sdm -d scsi # /dev/sdm, scsi device
/dev/sdn -d scsi # /dev/sdn, scsi device
/dev/sdo -d scsi # /dev/sdo, scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,0 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_00], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,1 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_01], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,2 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_02], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,3 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_03], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,4 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_04], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,5 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_05], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,6 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_06], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,7 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_07], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,8 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_08], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,9 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_09], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,10 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_10], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,11 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_11], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,12 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_12], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,13 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_13], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,14 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_14], scsi device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,15 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_15], scsi device


通过前面的章节我们定位到了磁盘/dev/sdf在perccli里的did即device_id为6,也就是/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,6

[root@node-15 ~]# smartctl -i -d megaraid,6 /dev/sdf
smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-327.20.1.es2.el7.x86_64] (local build)
copyright (c) 2002-16, bruce allen, christian franke, www.smartmontools.org

=== start of information section ===
model family:     seagate constellation.2 (sata)
device model:     st91000640ns
serial number:    9xga228l
lu wwn device id: 5 000c50 0918f2f8a
add. product id:  dell(tm)
firmware version: aa63
user capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 tb]
sector size:      512 bytes logical/physical
rotation rate:    7200 rpm
form factor:      2.5 inches
device is:        in smartctl database [for details use: -p show]
ata version is:   ata8-acs t13/1699-d revision 4
sata version is:  sata 3.0, 6.0 gb/s (current: 6.0 gb/s)
local time is:    fri jan 11 11:28:46 2019 cst
smart support is: available - device has smart capability.
smart support is: enabled



  • id:属性id,通常是一个1到255之间的十进制或十六进制的数字。
  • attribute_name:硬盘制造商定义的属性名。
  • flag:属性操作标志(可以忽略)。
  • value:这是表格中最重要的信息之一,代表给定属性的标准化值,在1到253之间。253意味着最好情况,1意味着最坏情况。取决于属性和制造商,初始化value可以被设置成100或200.
  • worst:所记录的最小value。
  • thresh:在报告硬盘failed状态前,worst可以允许的最小值,也就是worst如果小于thresh,磁盘就会报告failed。
  • type:属性的类型(pre-fail或oldage)。pre-fail类型的属性可被看成一个关键属性,表示参与磁盘的整体smart健康评估(passed/failed)。如果任何pre-fail类型的属性故障,那么可视为磁盘将要发生故障。另一方面,oldage类型的属性可被看成一个非关键的属性(如正常的磁盘磨损),表示不会使磁盘本身发生故障。
  • updated:表示属性的更新频率。offline代表磁盘上执行离线测试的时间。
  • when_failed:如果value小于等于thresh,会被设置成“failing_now”;如果worst小于等于thresh会被设置成“in_the_past”;如果都不是,会被设置成“-”。在“failing_now”情况下,需要尽快备份重要文件,特别是属性是pre-fail类型时。“in_the_past”代表属性已经故障了,但在运行测试的时候没问题。“-”代表这个属性从没故障过。
  • raw_value:制造商定义的原始值,从value派生。
[root@node-15 ~]# smartctl -a -d megaraid,6 /dev/sdf  
smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-327.20.1.es2.el7.x86_64] (local build)
copyright (c) 2002-16, bruce allen, christian franke, www.smartmontools.org

=== start of read smart data section ===
smart attributes data structure revision number: 10
vendor specific smart attributes with thresholds:
id# attribute_name          flag     value worst thresh type      updated  when_failed raw_value
  1 raw_read_error_rate     0x010f   081   038   044    pre-fail  always   in_the_past 151546765
  3 spin_up_time            0x0103   094   094   000    pre-fail  always       -       0
  4 start_stop_count        0x0032   100   100   020    old_age   always       -       21
  5 reallocated_sector_ct   0x0133   100   100   036    pre-fail  always       -       0
  7 seek_error_rate         0x000f   085   060   030    pre-fail  always       -       338813105
  9 power_on_hours          0x0032   079   079   000    old_age   always       -       18784
 10 spin_retry_count        0x0013   100   100   097    pre-fail  always       -       0
 12 power_cycle_count       0x0032   100   100   020    old_age   always       -       21
184 end-to-end_error        0x0032   100   100   099    old_age   always       -       0
187 reported_uncorrect      0x0032   001   001   000    old_age   always       -       1710
188 command_timeout         0x0032   100   100   000    old_age   always       -       0
189 high_fly_writes         0x003a   100   100   000    old_age   always       -       0
190 airflow_temperature_cel 0x0022   069   053   045    old_age   always       -       31 (min/max 24/40)
191 g-sense_error_rate      0x0032   100   100   000    old_age   always       -       0
192 power-off_retract_count 0x0032   100   100   000    old_age   always       -       19
193 load_cycle_count        0x0032   100   100   000    old_age   always       -       852
194 temperature_celsius     0x0022   031   047   000    old_age   always       -       31 (0 14 0 0 0)
195 hardware_ecc_recovered  0x001a   117   099   000    old_age   always       -       151546765
197 current_pending_sector  0x0012   084   084   000    old_age   always       -       688
198 offline_uncorrectable   0x0010   084   084   000    old_age   offline      -       688
199 udma_crc_error_count    0x003e   200   200   000    old_age   always       -       0
240 head_flying_hours       0x0000   100   253   000    old_age   offline      -       8093 (164 214 0)
241 total_lbas_written      0x0000   100   253   000    old_age   offline      -       1870535293
242 total_lbas_read         0x0000   100   253   000    old_age   offline      -       1530387871



[root@node-15 ~]# smartctl -h -d megaraid,6 /dev/sdf  
smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-327.20.1.es2.el7.x86_64] (local build)
copyright (c) 2002-16, bruce allen, christian franke, www.smartmontools.org

=== start of read smart data section ===
smart status not supported: ata return descriptor not supported by controller firmware
smart overall-health self-assessment test result: passed
warning: this result is based on an attribute check.
please note the following marginal attributes:
id# attribute_name          flag     value worst thresh type      updated  when_failed raw_value
  1 raw_read_error_rate     0x010f   081   038   044    pre-fail  always   in_the_past 151546765
[root@node-15 ~]# smartctl -l error -d megaraid,6 /dev/sdf
smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-327.20.1.es2.el7.x86_64] (local build)
copyright (c) 2002-16, bruce allen, christian franke, www.smartmontools.org

=== start of read smart data section ===
smart error log version: 1
ata error count: 46431 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
        cr = command register [hex]
        fr = features register [hex]
        sc = sector count register [hex]
        sn = sector number register [hex]
        cl = cylinder low register [hex]
        ch = cylinder high register [hex]
        dh = device/head register [hex]
        dc = device command register [hex]
        er = error register [hex]
        st = status register [hex]
powered_up_time is measured from power on, and printed as
ddd+hh:mm:ss.sss where dd=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
ss=sec, and sss=millisec. it "wraps" after 49.710 days.

error 46431 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 18640 hours (776 days + 16 hours)
  when the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  after command completion occurred, registers were:
  er st sc sn cl ch dh
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 00 ff ff ff 0f  error: unc at lba = 0x0fffffff = 268435455

  commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc   powered_up_time  command/feature_name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:32.968  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:29.901  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:26.825  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:23.965  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:20.905  read verify sector(s) ext

error 46430 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 18640 hours (776 days + 16 hours)
  when the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  after command completion occurred, registers were:
  er st sc sn cl ch dh
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 00 ff ff ff 0f  error: unc at lba = 0x0fffffff = 268435455

  commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc   powered_up_time  command/feature_name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:29.901  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:26.825  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:23.965  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:20.905  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:18.093  read verify sector(s) ext

error 46429 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 18640 hours (776 days + 16 hours)
  when the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  after command completion occurred, registers were:
  er st sc sn cl ch dh
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 00 ff ff ff 0f  error: unc at lba = 0x0fffffff = 268435455

  commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc   powered_up_time  command/feature_name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:26.825  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:23.965  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:20.905  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:18.093  read verify sector(s) ext
  b0 da 00 00 4f c2 00 00  46d+15:15:17.838  smart return status

error 46428 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 18640 hours (776 days + 16 hours)
  when the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  after command completion occurred, registers were:
  er st sc sn cl ch dh
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 00 ff ff ff 0f  error: unc at lba = 0x0fffffff = 268435455

  commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc   powered_up_time  command/feature_name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:23.965  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:20.905  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:18.093  read verify sector(s) ext
  b0 da 00 00 4f c2 00 00  46d+15:15:17.838  smart return status
  2f 00 01 e0 00 00 40 00  46d+15:15:17.703  read log ext

error 46427 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 18640 hours (776 days + 16 hours)
  when the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  after command completion occurred, registers were:
  er st sc sn cl ch dh
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 00 ff ff ff 0f  error: unc at lba = 0x0fffffff = 268435455

  commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc   powered_up_time  command/feature_name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:20.905  read verify sector(s) ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:18.093  read verify sector(s) ext
  b0 da 00 00 4f c2 00 00  46d+15:15:17.838  smart return status
  2f 00 01 e0 00 00 40 00  46d+15:15:17.703  read log ext
  42 00 00 ff ff ff 4f 00  46d+15:15:15.276  read verify sector(s) ext
  • 如果没有开启磁盘的smart可以通过-s on device开启
  • 一般来说如果samrtctl -i 获取info时没有什么信息输出且smart support是允许的可用的,那么说明可能需要做test才能获取到-t short/long,该测试不会破坏硬盘上的数据,但对于存储一般不适用离线offline测试
  • 收集时可以通过-x -a参数获取更全面的磁盘信息
  • smartctl是可以配置服务的/etc/smartmontools/smartd.conf,对此目前没有研究,后续有研究成果再更新

上一篇: 荐 5.2. Python

下一篇: python-c5-作业