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php memcache和php memcached比较以及问题

程序员文章站 2022-04-15 12:28:40
php memcache和php memcached是php的memcache分布式的高速缓存系统的两个客户端,php memcache是老客户端,php memcached是功能更加完善的新的代替php memcached的.

php memcache独立用php实现,是老客户端,从我们实践中已发现有多个问题,而且功能少,属性也可设置的少;

php memcached是基于原生的c的libmemcached的扩展,更加完善,建议替换为php memcached.

1.Php memcache的问题

1.1 分布式问题

php memcache默认会自动切换实例,所以有时取到老数据,并且value飘忽不定.


这几天做某个产品的时候遇到一个小问题,现象比较诡异,产品用了两台分布式的memcached服务器,某一个计数器取回来的数偶尔会不对,最后定位在php memcache client的failover机制上面.


如果php.ini里面 memcache.allow_failover = 1的时候,在分布式环境下,某一台memcached出问题的话,会自动到其他的memcached尝试,就会出现上面的问题,所以要设置 allow_failover = 0 那么取不到时就直接返回失败而不会从其它mc上取,这样以避免网络异常或server端异常时,经常切换实例,会取到老数据.

1.2 高并发下稳定性问题


php memcache换成php memcached,在高并发下稳定下极大提高;



多层次Cache,减轻某些cache节点宕掉后的影响,读写都cache;将memcached api统一换为libmemcached(方便多语言访问memcached,让分布式等各种规则都一致).

1.3 1秒超时间隔没法修改问题

php memcache客户端有个1秒超时间隔没法修改问题:

bool Memcache::connect(string $host [,int $port [,int $timeout ]])



1.3.1. 用memcache api Memcache::setServerParams不能修改;

1.3.2. 改memcache 源代码vi php_memcache.h宏定义不能修改;

1.3.3. php.ini内这个配置:default_socket_timeout = 60对本timeout无效。


Php memcache这个老客户端在属性设置方面可设置的很少,出错码粒度很粗,出错后难以定位,而且功能欠缺一些:

There are primarily two clients used with PHP. One is the older, more widespread pecl/memcache and the other is the newer, less used, more feature rich pecl/memcached. 
	Both support the basics such as multiple servers, setting vaules, getting values, increment, decrement and getting stats. 
	Here are some more advanced features and information. 
	项目              pecl/memcache       pecl/memcached 
	First Release Date      2004-06-08      2009-01-29 (beta) 
	Actively Developed      Yes             Yes 
	External Dependency     None            libmemcached 
	Automatic Key Fixup1    Yes             No 
	Append/Prepend          No              Yes 
	Automatic Serialzation2 Yes             Yes 
	Binary Protocol         No              Optional 
	CAS                     No              Yes 
	Compression             Yes             Yes 
	Communication Timeout   Connect Only    Various Options 
	Consistent Hashing      Yes             Yes 
	Delayed Get             No              Yes 
	Multi-Get               Yes             Yes 
	Session Support         Yes             Yes 
	Set/Get to a specific server    No          Yes 
	Stores Numerics         Converted to Strings    Yes 
	1 pecl/memcache will convert an invalid key into a valid key for you. pecl/memcached will return false when trying to set/get a key that is not valid. 
	2 You do not have to serialize your objects or arrays before sending them to the set commands. Both clients will do

