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Sun的JavaFX前景不容乐观 博客分类: Swing SUNJavaFXFlexAdobeAndroid 

程序员文章站 2024-02-16 21:53:16
  尽管在刚过去的JavaOne2008上Sun极力鼓吹JavaFX,公布了一系列相关的进展与计划,以及一个专门的网站JavaFX.COM,这些情况看起来很鼓舞人心,让人对JavaFX多少多了一些期待。(见:Cool!运行在Android上的JavaFXjavafx.com上线了JavaOne 2008 上非常酷的JavaFX演示视频

  但事实上,JavaFX的前景相当渺茫。撇开当前两大很被看好的RIA技术--Adobe的Flex与M$的Silverlight--不说。目前SUN的内部对JavaFX的发展也不想他表现出来的那么有信心。据悉,SUN的桌面部门的技术人员相继辞职离开SUN。这包括Filthy Rich Clients一书的作者Chet Haase,他于今年年初离开SUN;以及Sun桌面部门的CTO Hans Muller也于上周宣布决定离开SUN

  更糟糕的是:这些人离开SUN后新的BOSS就是Adobe,并且从事Flex相关的工作!没有比这更让人丧气的了,这说明即便是SUN内部的员工也不看好JavaFX。Dion Almaer在他最近的博客Sun is bleeding; More engineers leave as JavaFX is pimped中提到:
It is ironic that the exodus of talent has happened at the same time as Sun promotes JavaFX at JavaOne. As I asked people “How is JavaOne going for you?” at the end of last week I got a common response “Cool to see everyone, but I don’t get JavaFX.” JavaFX is a mistake in my book. I haven’t met anyone who was truly excited about it, and who didn’t think that Sun could be putting their engineers on better tasks.
