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程序员文章站 2024-01-21 13:11:04
//创建API.php类 NULL, 'info'=>'坑爹啊!', 'code'=>-201);    exit(json_encode($output));}//走接口if ($a == 'get_users') {    //检查用户    if ($uid == 0) {        $output = array('data'=>NULL, 'info'=>'The uid is null!', 'code'=>-401);        exit(json_encode($output));    }    //假设 $mysql 是数据库    $mysql = array(        10001 => array(            'uid'=>10001,            'vip'=>5,            'nickname' => 'Shine X',            'email'=>'979137@qq.com',            'qq'=>979137,            'gold'=>1500,            'powerplay'=> array('2xp'=>12,'gem'=>12,'bingo'=>5,'keys'=>5,'chest'=>8),            'gems'=> array('red'=>13,'green'=>3,'blue'=>8,'yellow'=>17),            'ctime'=>1376523234,            'lastLogin'=>1377123144,            'level'=>19,            'exp'=>16758,        ),        10002 => array(            'uid'=>10002,            'vip'=>50,            'nickname' => 'elva',            'email'=>'elva@ezhi.net',            'qq'=>NULL,            'gold'=>14320,            'powerplay'=> array('2xp'=>1,'gem'=>120,'bingo'=>51,'keys'=>5,'chest'=>8),            'gems'=> array('red'=>13,'green'=>3,'blue'=>8,'yellow'=>17),            'ctime'=>1376523234,            'lastLogin'=>1377123144,            'level'=>112,            'exp'=>167588,        ),        10003 => array(            'uid' => 10003,            'vip' => 5,            'nickname' => 'Lily',            'email' => 'Lily@ezhi.net',            'qq' => NULL,            'gold' => 1541,            'powerplay'=> array('2xp'=>2,'gem'=>112,'bingo'=>4,'keys'=>7,'chest'=>8),            'gems' => array('red'=>13,'green'=>3,'blue'=>9,'yellow'=>7),            'ctime' => 1376523234,            'lastLogin'=> 1377123144,            'level' => 10,            'exp' => 1758,        ),    );    $uidArr = array(10001,10002,10003);    if (in_array($uid, $uidArr, true)) {        $output = array('data' => NULL, 'info'=>'The user does not exist!', 'code' => -402);        exit(json_encode($output));    }    //查询数据库    $userInfo = $mysql[$uid];    //输出数据    $output = array(        'data' => array(            'userInfo' => $userInfo,            'isLogin' => true,//是否首次登陆            'unread' => 4,//未读消息数量            'untask' => 3,//未完成任务        ),        'info' => 'Here is the message which, commonly used in popup window', //消息提示,客户端常会用此作为给弹窗信息。        'code' => 200, //成功与失败的代码,一般都是正数或者负数    );    exit(json_encode($output));} elseif ($a == 'get_games_result') {    //...    die('您正在调 get_games_result 接口!');} elseif ($a == 'upload_avatars') {    //....    die('您正在调 upload_avatars 接口!');}
"data": {
"userInfo": {
"uid": 10001,
"vip": 5,
"nickname": "Shine X",
"email": "979137@qq.com",
"qq": 979137,
"gold": 1500,
"powerplay": {
"2xp": 12,
"gem": 12,
"bingo": 5,
"keys": 5,
"chest": 8
"gems": {
"red": 13,
"green": 3,
"blue": 8,
"yellow": 17
"ctime": 1376523234,
"lastLogin": 1377123144,
"level": 19,
"exp": 16758
"isLogin": true,
"unread": 4,
"untask": 3
"info": "Here is the message which, commonly used in popup window",
"code": 200
