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程序员文章站 2023-12-16 22:33:28
eureka是一种去中心化的服务治理应用,其显著特点是既可以作为服务端又可以作为服务向自己配置的地址进行注册。那么这篇文章就来探讨一下eureka的注册流程。 一、eur...




public class eurekabootstrap implements servletcontextlistener { 
  * initializes eureka, including syncing up with other eureka peers and publishing the registry.
  * @see
  * javax.servlet.servletcontextlistener#contextinitialized(javax.servlet.servletcontextevent)
 public void contextinitialized(servletcontextevent event) {
  try {
   servletcontext sc = event.getservletcontext();
   sc.setattribute(eurekaservercontext.class.getname(), servercontext);
  } catch (throwable e) {
   logger.error("cannot bootstrap eureka server :", e);
   throw new runtimeexception("cannot bootstrap eureka server :", e);


  * init hook for server context. override for custom logic.
 protected void initeurekaservercontext() throws exception {
    // .....
  applicationinfomanager applicationinfomanager = null;

  if (eurekaclient == null) {
   eurekainstanceconfig instanceconfig = iscloud(configurationmanager.getdeploymentcontext())
     ? new cloudinstanceconfig()
     : new mydatacenterinstanceconfig();
   applicationinfomanager = new applicationinfomanager(
     instanceconfig, new eurekaconfigbasedinstanceinfoprovider(instanceconfig).get());
   eurekaclientconfig eurekaclientconfig = new defaulteurekaclientconfig();
   eurekaclient = new discoveryclient(applicationinfomanager, eurekaclientconfig);
  } else {
   applicationinfomanager = eurekaclient.getapplicationinfomanager();

  peerawareinstanceregistry registry;
  if (isaws(applicationinfomanager.getinfo())) {
   registry = new awsinstanceregistry(
   awsbinder = new awsbinderdelegate(eurekaserverconfig, eurekaclient.geteurekaclientconfig(), registry, applicationinfomanager);
  } else {
   registry = new peerawareinstanceregistryimpl(





  * registers the information about the {@link instanceinfo} and replicates
  * this information to all peer eureka nodes. if this is replication event
  * from other replica nodes then it is not replicated.
  * @param info
  *   the {@link instanceinfo} to be registered and replicated.
  * @param isreplication
  *   true if this is a replication event from other replica nodes,
  *   false otherwise.
 public void register(final instanceinfo info, final boolean isreplication) {
  int leaseduration = lease.default_duration_in_secs;
  if (info.getleaseinfo() != null && info.getleaseinfo().getdurationinsecs() > 0) {
   leaseduration = info.getleaseinfo().getdurationinsecs();
  super.register(info, leaseduration, isreplication);
  replicatetopeers(action.register, info.getappname(), info.getid(), info, null, isreplication);


  * registers a new instance with a given duration.
  * @see com.netflix.eureka.lease.leasemanager#register(java.lang.object, int, boolean)
 public void register(instanceinfo registrant, int leaseduration, boolean isreplication) {
try {
   map<string, lease<instanceinfo>> gmap = registry.get(registrant.getappname());
   if (gmap == null) {
    final concurrenthashmap<string, lease<instanceinfo>> gnewmap = new concurrenthashmap<string, lease<instanceinfo>>();
    gmap = registry.putifabsent(registrant.getappname(), gnewmap);
    if (gmap == null) {
     gmap = gnewmap;
   lease<instanceinfo> existinglease = gmap.get(registrant.getid());
   // retain the last dirty timestamp without overwriting it, if there is already a lease
   if (existinglease != null && (existinglease.getholder() != null)) {
    long existinglastdirtytimestamp = existinglease.getholder().getlastdirtytimestamp();
    long registrationlastdirtytimestamp = registrant.getlastdirtytimestamp();
    logger.debug("existing lease found (existing={}, provided={}", existinglastdirtytimestamp, registrationlastdirtytimestamp);

    // this is a > instead of a >= because if the timestamps are equal, we still take the remote transmitted
    // instanceinfo instead of the server local copy.
    if (existinglastdirtytimestamp > registrationlastdirtytimestamp) {
     logger.warn("there is an existing lease and the existing lease's dirty timestamp {} is greater" +
       " than the one that is being registered {}", existinglastdirtytimestamp, registrationlastdirtytimestamp);
     logger.warn("using the existing instanceinfo instead of the new instanceinfo as the registrant");
     registrant = existinglease.getholder();
   } else {
    // the lease does not exist and hence it is a new registration
    synchronized (lock) {
     if (this.expectednumberofrenewspermin > 0) {
      // since the client wants to cancel it, reduce the threshold
      // (1
      // for 30 seconds, 2 for a minute)
      this.expectednumberofrenewspermin = this.expectednumberofrenewspermin + 2;
      this.numberofrenewsperminthreshold =
        (int) (this.expectednumberofrenewspermin * serverconfig.getrenewalpercentthreshold());
    logger.debug("no previous lease information found; it is new registration");
   lease<instanceinfo> lease = new lease<instanceinfo>(registrant, leaseduration);
   if (existinglease != null) {
   gmap.put(registrant.getid(), lease);



 * copyright 2012 netflix, inc.
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the license.

package com.netflix.eureka.lease;

import com.netflix.eureka.registry.abstractinstanceregistry;

 * describes a time-based availability of a {@link t}. purpose is to avoid
 * accumulation of instances in {@link abstractinstanceregistry} as result of ungraceful
 * shutdowns that is not uncommon in aws environments.
 * if a lease elapses without renewals, it will eventually expire consequently
 * marking the associated {@link t} for immediate eviction - this is similar to
 * an explicit cancellation except that there is no communication between the
 * {@link t} and {@link leasemanager}.
 * @author karthik ranganathan, greg kim
public class lease<t> {

 enum action {
  register, cancel, renew

 public static final int default_duration_in_secs = 90;

 private t holder;
 private long evictiontimestamp;
 private long registrationtimestamp;
 private long serviceuptimestamp;
 // make it volatile so that the expiration task would see this quicker
 private volatile long lastupdatetimestamp;
 private long duration;

 public lease(t r, int durationinsecs) {
  holder = r;
  registrationtimestamp = system.currenttimemillis();
  lastupdatetimestamp = registrationtimestamp;
  duration = (durationinsecs * 1000);


  * renew the lease, use renewal duration if it was specified by the
  * associated {@link t} during registration, otherwise default duration is
  * {@link #default_duration_in_secs}.
 public void renew() {
  lastupdatetimestamp = system.currenttimemillis() + duration;


  * cancels the lease by updating the eviction time.
 public void cancel() {
  if (evictiontimestamp <= 0) {
   evictiontimestamp = system.currenttimemillis();

  * mark the service as up. this will only take affect the first time called,
  * subsequent calls will be ignored.
 public void serviceup() {
  if (serviceuptimestamp == 0) {
   serviceuptimestamp = system.currenttimemillis();

  * set the leases service up timestamp.
 public void setserviceuptimestamp(long serviceuptimestamp) {
  this.serviceuptimestamp = serviceuptimestamp;

  * checks if the lease of a given {@link com.netflix.appinfo.instanceinfo} has expired or not.
 public boolean isexpired() {
  return isexpired(0l);

  * checks if the lease of a given {@link com.netflix.appinfo.instanceinfo} has expired or not.
  * note that due to renew() doing the 'wrong" thing and setting lastupdatetimestamp to +duration more than
  * what it should be, the expiry will actually be 2 * duration. this is a minor bug and should only affect
  * instances that ungracefully shutdown. due to possible wide ranging impact to existing usage, this will
  * not be fixed.
  * @param additionalleasems any additional lease time to add to the lease evaluation in ms.
 public boolean isexpired(long additionalleasems) {
  return (evictiontimestamp > 0 || system.currenttimemillis() > (lastupdatetimestamp + duration + additionalleasems));

  * gets the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was registered.
  * @return the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was registered.
 public long getregistrationtimestamp() {
  return registrationtimestamp;

  * gets the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was last renewed.
  * note that the value returned here is actually not the last lease renewal time but the renewal + duration.
  * @return the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was last renewed.
 public long getlastrenewaltimestamp() {
  return lastupdatetimestamp;

  * gets the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was evicted.
  * @return the milliseconds since epoch when the lease was evicted.
 public long getevictiontimestamp() {
  return evictiontimestamp;

  * gets the milliseconds since epoch when the service for the lease was marked as up.
  * @return the milliseconds since epoch when the service for the lease was marked as up.
 public long getserviceuptimestamp() {
  return serviceuptimestamp;

  * returns the holder of the lease.
 public t getholder() {
  return holder;








 discoveryclient(applicationinfomanager applicationinfomanager, eurekaclientconfig config, abstractdiscoveryclientoptionalargs args,
     provider<backupregistry> backupregistryprovider) {


  if (!config.shouldregisterwitheureka() && !config.shouldfetchregistry()) {
   logger.info("client configured to neither register nor query for data.");
   scheduler = null;
   heartbeatexecutor = null;
   cacherefreshexecutor = null;
   eurekatransport = null;
   instanceregionchecker = new instanceregionchecker(new propertybasedaztoregionmapper(config), clientconfig.getregion());

   // this is a bit of hack to allow for existing code using discoverymanager.getinstance()
   // to work with di'd discoveryclient

   inittimestampms = system.currenttimemillis();
   logger.info("discovery client initialized at timestamp {} with initial instances count: {}",
     inittimestampms, this.getapplications().size());

   return; // no need to setup up an network tasks and we are done

 try {
   // default size of 2 - 1 each for heartbeat and cacherefresh
   scheduler = executors.newscheduledthreadpool(2,
     new threadfactorybuilder()

   heartbeatexecutor = new threadpoolexecutor(
     1, clientconfig.getheartbeatexecutorthreadpoolsize(), 0, timeunit.seconds,
     new synchronousqueue<runnable>(),
     new threadfactorybuilder()
   ); // use direct handoff

   cacherefreshexecutor = new threadpoolexecutor(
     1, clientconfig.getcacherefreshexecutorthreadpoolsize(), 0, timeunit.seconds,
     new synchronousqueue<runnable>(),
     new threadfactorybuilder()
   ); // use direct handoff

   eurekatransport = new eurekatransport();
   scheduleserverendpointtask(eurekatransport, args);








 // heartbeat timer
     new timedsupervisortask(
       new heartbeatthread()
     renewalintervalinsecs, timeunit.seconds);


  * the heartbeat task that renews the lease in the given intervals.
 private class heartbeatthread implements runnable {

  public void run() {
   if (renew()) {
    lastsuccessfulheartbeattimestamp = system.currenttimemillis();


  * renew with the eureka service by making the appropriate rest call
 boolean renew() {
  eurekahttpresponse<instanceinfo> httpresponse;
  try {
   httpresponse = eurekatransport.registrationclient.sendheartbeat(instanceinfo.getappname(), instanceinfo.getid(), instanceinfo, null);
   logger.debug("{} - heartbeat status: {}", prefix + apppathidentifier, httpresponse.getstatuscode());
   if (httpresponse.getstatuscode() == 404) {
    logger.info("{} - re-registering apps/{}", prefix + apppathidentifier, instanceinfo.getappname());
    long timestamp = instanceinfo.setisdirtywithtime();
    boolean success = register();
    if (success) {
    return success;
   return httpresponse.getstatuscode() == 200;
  } catch (throwable e) {
   logger.error("{} - was unable to send heartbeat!", prefix + apppathidentifier, e);
   return false;


  * register with the eureka service by making the appropriate rest call.
 boolean register() throws throwable {
  logger.info(prefix + apppathidentifier + ": registering service...");
  eurekahttpresponse<void> httpresponse;
  try {
   httpresponse = eurekatransport.registrationclient.register(instanceinfo);
  } catch (exception e) {
   logger.warn("{} - registration failed {}", prefix + apppathidentifier, e.getmessage(), e);
   throw e;
  if (logger.isinfoenabled()) {
   logger.info("{} - registration status: {}", prefix + apppathidentifier, httpresponse.getstatuscode());
  return httpresponse.getstatuscode() == 204;


private static final class eurekatransport {
  private closableresolver bootstrapresolver;
  private transportclientfactory transportclientfactory;

  private eurekahttpclient registrationclient;
  private eurekahttpclientfactory registrationclientfactory;

  private eurekahttpclient queryclient;
  private eurekahttpclientfactory queryclientfactory;

  void shutdown() {
   if (registrationclientfactory != null) {

   if (queryclientfactory != null) {

   if (registrationclient != null) {

   if (queryclient != null) {

   if (transportclientfactory != null) {

   if (bootstrapresolver != null) {




  * registers information about a particular instance for an
  * {@link com.netflix.discovery.shared.application}.
  * @param info
  *   {@link instanceinfo} information of the instance.
  * @param isreplication
  *   a header parameter containing information whether this is
  *   replicated from other nodes.
 @consumes({"application/json", "application/xml"})
 public response addinstance(instanceinfo info,
        @headerparam(peereurekanode.header_replication) string isreplication) {
  logger.debug("registering instance {} (replication={})", info.getid(), isreplication);
  // validate that the instanceinfo contains all the necessary required fields
  if (isblank(info.getid())) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing instanceid").build();
  } else if (isblank(info.gethostname())) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing hostname").build();
  } else if (isblank(info.getipaddr())) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing ip address").build();
  } else if (isblank(info.getappname())) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing appname").build();
  } else if (!appname.equals(info.getappname())) {
   return response.status(400).entity("mismatched appname, expecting " + appname + " but was " + info.getappname()).build();
  } else if (info.getdatacenterinfo() == null) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing datacenterinfo").build();
  } else if (info.getdatacenterinfo().getname() == null) {
   return response.status(400).entity("missing datacenterinfo name").build();

  // handle cases where clients may be registering with bad datacenterinfo with missing data
  datacenterinfo datacenterinfo = info.getdatacenterinfo();
  if (datacenterinfo instanceof uniqueidentifier) {
   string datacenterinfoid = ((uniqueidentifier) datacenterinfo).getid();
   if (isblank(datacenterinfoid)) {
    boolean experimental = "true".equalsignorecase(serverconfig.getexperimental("registration.validation.datacenterinfoid"));
    if (experimental) {
     string entity = "datacenterinfo of type " + datacenterinfo.getclass() + " must contain a valid id";
     return response.status(400).entity(entity).build();
    } else if (datacenterinfo instanceof amazoninfo) {
     amazoninfo amazoninfo = (amazoninfo) datacenterinfo;
     string effectiveid = amazoninfo.get(amazoninfo.metadatakey.instanceid);
     if (effectiveid == null) {
      amazoninfo.getmetadata().put(amazoninfo.metadatakey.instanceid.getname(), info.getid());
    } else {
     logger.warn("registering datacenterinfo of type {} without an appropriate id", datacenterinfo.getclass());

  registry.register(info, "true".equals(isreplication));
  return response.status(204).build(); // 204 to be backwards compatible


