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iOS中CorePlot的使用配置 iOSiPadiPhone画图

程序员文章站 2022-03-17 20:59:47


在iOS Application中有两方式使用CorePlot,一种是Dependent Project Install,另一种是Static Library Install。第一种配置起来比较麻烦,又要拖又要加配置属性,我这里推荐第二种方式。


Static Library Install

You can also just copy the Core Plot library directly into your project in binary form.

1. Copy the CorePlotHeaders directory to your Xcode project

2. Copy the Core Plot library to your Xcode project.

3. Open your apps Target Build Settings, and for Other Linker Flags include this:


(-all_load used to be required as a linker flag, but this is no longer needed in Xcode 4.2)

4. Add the QuartzCore framework to the project.

5. Change your C/C++ Compiler in the project build settings to LLVM GCC 4.2 or LLVM 1.6.

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