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程序员文章站 2023-11-16 23:21:10
本文实例讲述了c#实现清除ie浏览器缓存的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: 项目中碰到wpf webbrowser的几个问题,在此记录一下 1.webbrowse...


项目中碰到wpf webbrowser的几个问题,在此记录一下



  var content = $("<div><h4><span>" + category_name + "</span>(<a id='href_" + guid + "' href='addoreditshowinfo.aspx?category=" + guid + "'>添加展示</a>)" +
  "<span id='edit_" + guid + "' style='font-size:12px;cursor:pointer;' onclick='showcategory(this, \""+guid+"\")'>修改分类</span>  " +
  "<span id='del_" + guid + "' style='font-size:12px;cursor:pointer;' onclick=delcategory(this, \""+guid+"\")'>删除分类</span></h4>" +
  "<table class='gridview' cellspacing='0' rules='all' border='1' id='gvdata' width='100%'>" +
  "<thead><tr><th>缩略图</th><th>展示名称</th><th>简介</th><th>详细描述</th><th>操作</th></tr></thead>" +
  "<tbody id='t_" + guid + "' class='css_tbody'></tbody></table></div>"


$("#edit_" + guid).unbind("click").bind("click", function () { showcategory(this, guid) });
$("#del_" + guid).unbind("click").bind("click", function () { delcategory(this,guid)});

2.在webbrowser中使用jquery uploadify上传组件的问题

使用该组件的时候 ,发现上传图片的时候 ,第一次上传的时候没有任何问题,第二次上传的时候会出现无法上传的情况,没有任何反应,没有任何错误,上传进度不动,上传的后台代码也不能触发.

解决方案是:清空浏览器缓存就ok 了.下面就介绍代码清空缓存的方法

3. 清理ie缓存的方法

很明显 ie的缓存在其目录中显示的并不是真正的文件所处的位置,文件的位置是在隐藏的文件夹中,而且这个隐藏的文件夹我们一般找不到.在网上几种清空缓存的方法,在此我一一把代码和处理的效果显示出来.供大家参考.


string cachepath = environment.getfolderpath(environment.specialfolder.internetcache);
directoryinfo di = new directoryinfo(cachepath);
foreach (fileinfo fi in di.getfiles("*.*", searchoption.alldirectories))//遍历所有的文件夹 删除里面的文件
  catch { }


②.调用winnet.dll 清理缓存 上代码

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using system.rntime.interopservices;
using system.io;
namespace wpfclient.appcode
 public class clearcache
  [structlayout(layoutkind.explicit, size = 80,charset=charset.auto)]
  protected struct internet_cache_entry_infoa
   public uint dwstructsize;
   public intptr lpszsourceurlname;
   public intptr lpszlocalfilename;
   public uint cacheentrytype;
   public uint dwusecount;
   public uint dwhitrate;
   public uint dwsizelow;
   public uint dwsizehigh;
   public filetime lastmodifiedtime;
   public filetime expiretime;
   public filetime lastaccesstime;
   public filetime lastsynctime;
   public intptr lpheaderinfo;
   public uint dwheaderinfosize;
   public intptr lpszfileextension;
   public uint dwreserved;
   public uint dwexemptdelta;
  // for pinvoke: initiates the enumeration of the cache groups in the internet cache
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "findfirsturlcachegroup",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern intptr findfirsturlcachegroup(
   int dwflags,
   int dwfilter,
   intptr lpsearchcondition,
   int dwsearchcondition,
   ref long lpgroupid,
   intptr lpreserved);
  // for pinvoke: retrieves the next cache group in a cache group enumeration
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "findnexturlcachegroup",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern bool findnexturlcachegroup(
   intptr hfind,
   ref long lpgroupid,
   intptr lpreserved);
  // for pinvoke: releases the specified groupid and any associated state in the cache index file
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "deleteurlcachegroup",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern bool deleteurlcachegroup(
   long groupid,
   int dwflags,
   intptr lpreserved);
  // for pinvoke: begins the enumeration of the internet cache
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "findfirsturlcacheentrya",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern intptr findfirsturlcacheentry(
   [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lptstr)] string lpszurlsearchpattern,
   intptr lpfirstcacheentryinfo,
   ref int lpdwfirstcacheentryinfobuffersize);
  // for pinvoke: retrieves the next entry in the internet cache
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "findnexturlcacheentrya",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern bool findnexturlcacheentry(
   intptr hfind,
   intptr lpnextcacheentryinfo,
   ref int lpdwnextcacheentryinfobuffersize);
  // for pinvoke: removes the file that is associated with the source name from the cache, if the file exists
   setlasterror = true,
   charset = charset.auto,
   entrypoint = "deleteurlcacheentrya",
   callingconvention = callingconvention.stdcall)]
  protected static extern bool deleteurlcacheentry(
   intptr lpszurlname)
  public static void delcache(){
   // indicates that all of the cache groups in the user's system should be enumerated
   const int cachegroup_search_all = 0x0;
   // indicates that all the cache entries that are associated with the cache group
   // should be deleted, unless the entry belongs to another cache group.
   const int cachegroup_flag_flushurl_ondelete = 0x2;
   // file not found.
   const int error_file_not_found = 0x2;
   // no more items have been found.
   const int error_no_more_items = 259;
   // pointer to a groupid variable
   long groupid = 0;
   // local variables
   int cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial = 0;
   int cacheentryinfobuffersize = 0;
   intptr cacheentryinfobuffer = intptr.zero;
   internet_cache_entry_infoa internetcacheentry;
   intptr enumhandle = intptr.zero;
   bool returnvalue = false
   // delete the groups first.
   // groups may not always exist on the system.
   // for more information, visit the following microsoft web site:
   // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/?url=/workshop/networking/wininet/overview/cache.asp  
   // by default, a url does not belong to any group. therefore, that cache may become
   // empty even when the cachegroup apis are not used because the existing url does not belong to any group.   
   enumhandle = findfirsturlcachegroup(0, cachegroup_search_all, intptr.zero, 0, ref groupid, intptr.zero);
   // if there are no items in the cache, you are finished.
   if (enumhandle != intptr.zero && error_no_more_items == marshal.getlastwin32error())
   // loop through cache group, and then delete entries.
    // delete a particular cache group.
    returnvalue = deleteurlcachegroup(groupid, cachegroup_flag_flushurl_ondelete, intptr.zero);
    if (!returnvalue && error_file_not_found == marshal.getlastwin32error())
     returnvalue = findnexturlcachegroup(enumhandle, ref groupid, intptr.zero);
    if (!returnvalue && (error_no_more_items == marshal.getlastwin32error() || error_file_not_found == marshal.getlastwin32error()))
   // start to delete urls that do not belong to any group.
   enumhandle = findfirsturlcacheentry(null, intptr.zero, ref cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial);
   if (enumhandle == intptr.zero && error_no_more_items == marshal.getlastwin32error())
   cacheentryinfobuffersize = cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial;
   cacheentryinfobuffer = marshal.allochglobal(cacheentryinfobuffersize);
   enumhandle = findfirsturlcacheentry(null, cacheentryinfobuffer, ref cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial);
    internetcacheentry = (internet_cache_entry_infoa)marshal.ptrtostructure(cacheentryinfobuffer, typeof(internet_cache_entry_infoa));  
    cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial = cacheentryinfobuffersize;
    returnvalue = deleteurlcacheentry(internetcacheentry.lpszsourceurlname);
    string s = marshal.ptrtostringansi(internetcacheentry.lpszlocalfilename);
    if (!returnvalue)
     returnvalue = findnexturlcacheentry(enumhandle, cacheentryinfobuffer, ref cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial);
    if (!returnvalue && error_no_more_items == marshal.getlastwin32error())
    if (!returnvalue && cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial > cacheentryinfobuffersize)
     cacheentryinfobuffersize = cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial;
     cacheentryinfobuffer = marshal.reallochglobal(cacheentryinfobuffer, (intptr)cacheentryinfobuffersize);
     returnvalue = findnexturlcacheentry(enumhandle, cacheentryinfobuffer, ref cacheentryinfobuffersizeinitial);

效果:总体来说还是有点效果的,但是效率极低,会出现长时间的等待情况,程序假死. 最重要的是不知道什么时候结束.


runcmd("rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 8");
void runcmd(string cmd)
 system.diagnostics.process p = new system.diagnostics.process();
 p.startinfo.filename = "cmd.exe";
 // 关闭shell的使用
 p.startinfo.useshellexecute = false;
 // 重定向标准输入
 p.startinfo.redirectstandardinput = true;
 // 重定向标准输出
 p.startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true;
 p.startinfo.redirectstandarderror = true;
 p.startinfo.createnowindow = true;

效果: 这个方法解决的我的问题,缓存被清空.


//temporary internet files (internet临时文件)
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 8
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 2
//history (历史记录)
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 1
//form data (表单数据)
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 16
//passwords (密码)
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 32
//delete all (全部删除)
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 255
//delete all - "also delete files and settings stored by add-ons"
//rundll32.exe inetcpl.cpl,clearmytracksbyprocess 4351
