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Oracle row_number() over()解析函数高效实现分页

程序员文章站 2023-11-12 20:17:34
复制代码 代码如下: create table t_news ( id number, n_type varchar2(20), n_title varchar2(30),...
复制代码 代码如下:

create table t_news
id number,
n_type varchar2(20),
n_title varchar2(30),
n_count number

prompt disabling triggers for t_news...
alter table t_news disable all triggers;
prompt loading t_news...
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (1, 'it', '爱it1', 100);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (2, '体育', '爱体育1', 10);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (3, '体育', '爱体育2', 30);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (4, 'it', '爱it2', 300);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (5, 'it', '爱it3', 200);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (6, '体育', '爱体育3', 20);
insert into t_news (id, n_type, n_title, n_count)
values (7, '体育', '爱体育4', 60);


--分页 row_number,不是rownum
select rownum r,t.* from t_news t
where rownum<=3
order by t.n_count desc
--问题:为什么order by以后,行号是乱的?
select rownum r,t.* from t_news t

select rownum r,t.* from (
select t.* from t_news t order by t.n_count desc ) t

select rownum r,t.* from (
select t.* from t_news t order by t.n_count desc ) t
where r between 1 and 3

select rownum r,t.* from (
select t.* from t_news t order by t.n_count desc ) t
where rownum between 1 and 3

select rownum r,t.* from (
select t.* from t_news t order by t.n_count desc ) t
where rownum between 4 and 6
--error: rownum必须从1开始!
select k.* from (
select rownum r,t.* from (
select t.* from t_news t order by t.n_count desc ) t
) k
where r between 4 and 6


*****第二步:我用row_number() over()函数
select t2.* from
(select t.*,row_number()over(order by t.n_count desc) ordernumber from t_news t order by t.n_count desc)t2 where ordernumber between 1and 3;

select * from (
select t.*,row_number() over(order by n_count desc) r
from t_news t
order by t.n_count desc
) t
where r between 4 and 6

--通用语法: 解析函数() over(partition by 字段 order by 字段)