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程序员文章站 2023-11-12 14:03:40
if you want to give a specific user access from all machines in a given domain (for ex...
if you want to give a specific user access from all machines in a given domain (for example, mydomain.com), you can issue a grant statement that uses the ‘%' wildcard character in the host part of the account name:
译文:如果需要让特定的用户从给定域(例如mydomain.com)的所有计算机*问 mysql 服务器,你可以执行在账户名的 host 部分使用了通配符“%” 的 grant 语句
mysql> grant ...
-> on *.*
-> to 'myname'@'%.mydomain.com'
-> identified by 'mypass';

to do the same thing by modifying the grant tables directly, do this:
mysql> insert into user (host,user,password,...)
-> values('%.mydomain.com','myname',password('mypass'),...);
mysql> flush privileges;


一、允许用户 wp 从 登录 mysql 服务器(下面的实例均为登录服务器192.168.2.28)
(1)先在mysql中授权:grant select,update,insert,delete on mysql.* to 'wp'@'' identified by '123';
(2)再用vfp连接:sqlstringconnect("driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver};server=;uid=wp;pwd=123;port=3306;")


二、允许用户 wp 从某个网段登录 mysql 服务器
(1)先在mysql中授权:grant select,update,insert,delete on mysql.* to 'wp'@'192.168.2.%' identified by '123';
(2)再用vfp连接:sqlstringconnect("driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver};server=;uid=wp;pwd=123;port=3306;")

三、允许用户 wp 从任何网址登录 mysql 服务器
(1)先在mysql中授权:grant select,update,insert,delete on mysql.* to 'wp'@'%' identified by '123';
(2)再用vfp连接:sqlstringconnect("driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver};server=;uid=wp;pwd=123;port=3306;")