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Dell System E-Support Tool (DSET)工具使用方法

程序员文章站 2023-11-10 09:46:10
Dell System E-Support Tool (DSET)工具使用方法...

前几天我们公司的一个服务器宕机了,ping不通ssh连不上。只好让idc机房工作人员帮我们重启我们的服务器。重启完之后赶紧查看日志,但是自身服务日志并没有报错。接下来就是分析硬件问题了。我们服务器是dell的,经理让我安装了一个dell 的检测工具。
dell system e-support tool (dset)这个工具可以用来收集服务器硬件信息,存储信息(raid卡,硬盘等)。及linux 驱动,服务,网络设置等等,同时又包括cpu,memory, esm log, bios/firmware versions and system health (fan/voltage levels).



1 授予权限执行这个可执行文件
[root@www ~]# chmod +x delldset_v2.2.0.122_x64-a00.bin
[root@www ~]# ./delldset_v2.2.0.122_x64-a00.bin
 particular purpose, title and any warranty of non-infringement.   you will
 use the software at your own risk. dell shall not be liable to you for any
 direct or indirect damages incurred in using the software. in no event shall
 dell or its suppliers be responsible for any direct or indirect damages
 dell license (42%): press spacebar to view next page, 'q' to proceed


 dell or its suppliers be responsible for any direct or indirect damages

do you accept the terms of this license? (y/n):

 dell system e-support tool (dset) options:
choose an option:
 1) read dset release notes first
      show latest information concerning features and known issues

 2) create dset report only
      creates a dset report and saves it to user's home directory

 3) clear esm hardware log only
      only clears the esm hardware log contents

 4) install/upgrade dset application
      permanently installs or upgrades the dset application for repeat use

enter option (1-4) or 'q' to quit:


 install location:
 where should dset be installed?
 default location: /opt/dell/dset   //默认程序安装位置
 press return to accept the default location or
 enter a new directory path:

directory does not exist. create? (y/n): y

preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
    1:delldset               ########################################### [100%]

installation of dell system e-support tool (dset) complete.
 enter 'dellsysteminfo' from a terminal shell prompt to create a report file.


 [root@www ~]# dellsysteminfo -h
 dell system e-support tool
 @copyright dell inc. 2004-2008 version 1.6 build 135
 the given option is invalid: ['-h']
 usage: dellsysteminfo [-options] [-f filepath/filename]

    -f              specify a filename, a path using default filename, or both
    --nohardware    skips collecting info for all hardware categories
    --nostorage     skips collecting info for all storage categories
    --nosoftware    skips collecting info for all software categories
    --nologs        skips collecting any non-linux log files
    --time          append report filename with timestamp
    --silent        accept defaults and prevent user prompting (for scripting)
--advanced      collect various advanced logs (may create large report size!)

6 获取系统报告,-f 指定报告位置在/home/report.zip,这里会等一段时间,这是他正在检测系统硬件系统,存储系统和操作系统信息,检测完,/home/目录下回产生一个report.zip 就是我们要的报告

 [root@bogon ~]#dellsysteminfo -f /home/report

7 查看报告内容。


8 解压缩完了之后,双击dsetreport.hta打开报告内容


9 系统总体概览

10 硬件日志。这里看到我们的cpu有一个出问题了。

11 下面这里我们硬件日志,这里我们看到,6月17日22:22:03首先在检测到设备0上有错误,接着就是6月18日21:50:55内存发生持久错误,中间重启过一次系统,正常了一段时间,有出错。最下面是从6月27号又开始出现错误,我们又重启了系统。

12 以下这些是软件信息没有什么错误,是有关操作系统。下面这个是启动项信息


13 驱动及模块信息

14 开机启动过程信息