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程序员文章站 2023-11-05 13:40:22
gb2312是gbk编码的子集,使用gbk编码函数即可 'gbk编码(结果以百分号%进行分隔) public function gbkencode(byval sinput as string) a...
public function gbkencode(byval sinput as string) as string
dim ret_gbkencode as string = ""
dim i as integer
dim startindex as integer = 0
dim endindex as integer
dim x() as byte = system.text.encoding.default.getbytes(sinput) '字符以及字符串在vb2008中都是以unicode编码存储的

endindex = x.length - 1
for i = startindex to endindex
ret_gbkencode &= "%" & hex(x(i))
return ret_gbkencode
end function

public function gbkdevb.net把汉字转换为GB2312编码,例如“广东”变成%B9%E3%B6%ABcode(byval sinput as string) as string
sinput = sinput.replace("%", "")

dim ret_gbkdecode as string = ""
dim slen as integer = sinput.length
dim n as integer = slen \ 2
dim sbytes(0 to n - 1) as byte
for i as integer = 1 to n
sbytes(i - 1) = cbyte("&h" & sinput.substring(2 * i - 2, 2))
ret_gbkdecode = system.text.encoding.default.getstring(sbytes)
return ret_gbkdecode
end function