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C# Winform多屏幕多显示器编程技巧实例

程序员文章站 2023-10-27 09:01:52



using system; 
using system.drawing; 
using system.collections; 
using system.componentmodel; 
using system.windows.forms; 
using system.data; 
namespace windowsapplication12 
/// <summary> 
/// summary description for form1. 
/// </summary> 
public class form1 : system.windows.forms.form 
private int tmpx = 0; 
private int tmpy = 0; 
private system.windows.forms.picturebox picturebox1; 
/// <summary> 
/// required designer variable. 
/// </summary> 
private system.componentmodel.container components = null; 
system.drawing.rectangle[] screensrect; 
public form1() 
// required for windows form designer support 
// todo: add any constructor code after initializecomponent call 
/// <summary> 
/// clean up any resources being used. 
/// </summary> 
protected override void dispose( bool disposing ) 
if( disposing ) 
if (components != null) 
base.dispose( disposing ); 
#region windows form designer generated code 
/// <summary> 
/// required method for designer support - do not modify 
/// the contents of this method with the code editor. 
/// </summary> 
private void initializecomponent() 
this.picturebox1 = new system.windows.forms.picturebox(); 
// picturebox1 
this.picturebox1.backcolor = system.drawing.systemcolors.hottrack; 
this.picturebox1.location = new system.drawing.point(120, 88); 
this.picturebox1.name = "picturebox1"; 
this.picturebox1.size = new system.drawing.size(248, 176); 
this.picturebox1.tabindex = 0; 
this.picturebox1.tabstop = false; 
// form1 
this.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size(5, 13); 
this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(504, 357); 
this.name = "form1"; 
this.text = "form1"; 
this.mousedown += new system.windows.forms.mouseeventhandler(this.form1_mousedown); 
this.load += new system.eventhandler(this.form1_load); 
this.mouseup += new system.windows.forms.mouseeventhandler(this.form1_mouseup); 
/// <summary> 
/// the main entry point for the application. 
/// </summary> 
static void main() 
application.run(new form1()); 
private void form1_mousedown(object sender, system.windows.forms.mouseeventargs e) 
this.tmpx = e.x; 
this.tmpy = e.y; 
this.mousemove += new system.windows.forms.mouseeventhandler(this.form1_mousemove); 
private void form1_mouseup(object sender, system.windows.forms.mouseeventargs e) 
this.mousemove -= new system.windows.forms.mouseeventhandler(this.form1_mousemove); 
system.drawing.rectangle picturebox1rect=screen.getworkingarea(picturebox1); 
for(int i=0;i<screensrect.length;i++) 
if(screensrect[i].x==picturebox1rect.x && screensrect[i].y==picturebox1rect.y) 
this.location=new point(screensrect[i].x,picturebox1rect.y); 
//messagebox.show(" workingarea:" + re.tostring()); 
private void form1_mousemove(object sender, mouseeventargs e) 
this.location = new system.drawing.point(this.location.x + e.x - this.tmpx, this.location.y + e.y - this.tmpy); 
private void form1_load(object sender, system.eventargs e) 
screen[] s=screen.allscreens; 
screensrect=new rectangle[s.length]; 
for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++) 
screensrect[i]= s[i].workingarea; 