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install-package hzh_controls







添加一个类ucradarchart ,继承 usercontrol


  1  /// <summary>
  2         /// the split count
  3         /// </summary>
  4         private int splitcount = 5;
  5         /// <summary>
  6         /// gets or sets the split count.
  7         /// </summary>
  8         /// <value>the split count.</value>
  9         [browsable(true)]
 10         [category("自定义")]
 11         [description("获取或设置分隔份数")]
 12         public int splitcount
 13         {
 14             get { return splitcount; }
 15             set
 16             {
 17                 splitcount = value;
 18                 invalidate();
 19             }
 20         }
 22         /// <summary>
 23         /// the split odd color
 24         /// </summary>
 25         private color splitoddcolor = color.white;
 26         /// <summary>
 27         /// 分隔奇数栏背景色
 28         /// </summary>
 29         /// <value>the color of the split odd.</value>
 30         [browsable(true)]
 31         [category("自定义")]
 32         [description("获取或设置分隔奇数栏背景色")]
 33         public color splitoddcolor
 34         {
 35             get { return splitoddcolor; }
 36             set
 37             {
 38                 splitoddcolor = value;
 39                 invalidate();
 40             }
 41         }
 42         /// <summary>
 43         /// the split even color
 44         /// </summary>
 45         private color splitevencolor = color.fromargb(232, 232, 232);
 46         /// <summary>
 47         /// 分隔偶数栏背景色
 48         /// </summary>
 49         /// <value>the color of the split even.</value>
 50         [browsable(true)]
 51         [category("自定义")]
 52         [description("获取或设置分隔偶数栏背景色")]
 53         public color splitevencolor
 54         {
 55             get { return splitevencolor; }
 56             set { splitevencolor = value; }
 57         }
 59         /// <summary>
 60         /// the line color
 61         /// </summary>
 62         private color linecolor = color.fromargb(153, 153, 153);
 63         /// <summary>
 64         /// gets or sets the color of the line.
 65         /// </summary>
 66         /// <value>the color of the line.</value>
 67         [browsable(true)]
 68         [category("自定义")]
 69         [description("获取或设置线条色")]
 70         public color linecolor
 71         {
 72             get { return linecolor; }
 73             set
 74             {
 75                 linecolor = value;
 76                 invalidate();
 77             }
 78         }
 80         /// <summary>
 81         /// the radar positions
 82         /// </summary>
 83         private radarposition[] radarpositions;
 84         /// <summary>
 85         /// 节点列表,至少需要3个
 86         /// </summary>
 87         /// <value>the radar positions.</value>
 88         [browsable(true)]
 89         [category("自定义")]
 90         [description("获取或设置节点,至少需要3个")]
 91         public radarposition[] radarpositions
 92         {
 93             get { return radarpositions; }
 94             set
 95             {
 96                 radarpositions = value;
 97                 invalidate();
 98             }
 99         }
101         /// <summary>
102         /// the title
103         /// </summary>
104         private string title;
105         /// <summary>
106         /// 标题
107         /// </summary>
108         /// <value>the title.</value>
109         [browsable(true)]
110         [category("自定义")]
111         [description("获取或设置标题")]
112         public string title
113         {
114             get { return title; }
115             set
116             {
117                 title = value;
118                 resettitlesize();
119                 invalidate();
120             }
121         }
123         /// <summary>
124         /// the title font
125         /// </summary>
126         private font titlefont = new font("微软雅黑", 12);
127         /// <summary>
128         /// gets or sets the title font.
129         /// </summary>
130         /// <value>the title font.</value>
131         [browsable(true)]
132         [category("自定义")]
133         [description("获取或设置标题字体")]
134         public font titlefont
135         {
136             get { return titlefont; }
137             set
138             {
139                 titlefont = value;
140                 resettitlesize();
141                 invalidate();
142             }
143         }
145         /// <summary>
146         /// the title color
147         /// </summary>
148         private color titlecolor = color.black;
149         /// <summary>
150         /// gets or sets the color of the title.
151         /// </summary>
152         /// <value>the color of the title.</value>
153         [browsable(true)]
154         [category("自定义")]
155         [description("获取或设置标题文本颜色")]
156         public color titlecolor
157         {
158             get { return titlecolor; }
159             set
160             {
161                 titlecolor = value;
162                 invalidate();
163             }
164         }
166         /// <summary>
167         /// the lines
168         /// </summary>
169         private radarline[] lines;
170         /// <summary>
171         /// gets or sets the lines.
172         /// </summary>
173         /// <value>the lines.</value>
174         [browsable(true)]
175         [category("自定义")]
176         [description("获取或设置值线条,values长度必须与radarpositions长度一致,否则无法显示")]
177         public radarline[] lines
178         {
179             get { return lines; }
180             set
181             {
182                 lines = value;
183                 invalidate();
184             }
185         }
188         /// <summary>
189         /// the title size
190         /// </summary>
191         sizef titlesize = sizef.empty;
192         /// <summary>
193         /// the m rect working
194         /// </summary>
195         private rectanglef m_rectworking = rectangle.empty;
196         /// <summary>
197         /// the line value type size
198         /// </summary>
199         sizef linevaluetypesize = sizef.empty;
200         /// <summary>
201         /// the int line value com count
202         /// </summary>
203         int intlinevaluecomcount = 0;
204         /// <summary>
205         /// the int line value row count
206         /// </summary>
207         int intlinevaluerowcount = 0;


 1  /// <summary>
 2         /// handles the sizechanged event of the ucradarchart control.
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
 5         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 6         void ucradarchart_sizechanged(object sender, eventargs e)
 7         {
 8             resetworkingrect();
 9         }
11         /// <summary>
12         /// resets the working rect.
13         /// </summary>
14         private void resetworkingrect()
15         {
16             if (lines != null && lines.length > 0)
17             {
18                 using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
19                 {
20                     foreach (var item in lines)
21                     {
22                         var s = g.measurestring(item.name, font);
23                         if (s.width > linevaluetypesize.width)
24                             linevaluetypesize = s;
25                     }
26                 }
27             }
28             var linetypepanelheight = 0f;
29             if (linevaluetypesize != sizef.empty)
30             {
31                 intlinevaluecomcount = (int)(this.width / (linevaluetypesize.width + 25));
33                 intlinevaluerowcount = lines.length / intlinevaluecomcount;
34                 if (lines.length % intlinevaluecomcount != 0)
35                 {
36                     intlinevaluerowcount++;
37                 }
38                 linetypepanelheight = (linevaluetypesize.height + 10) * intlinevaluerowcount;
39             }
40             var min = math.min(this.width, this.height - titlesize.height - linetypepanelheight);
41             var rectworking = new rectanglef((this.width - min) / 2 + 10, titlesize.height + linetypepanelheight + 10, min - 10, min - 10);
42             //处理文字
43             float fltsplitangle = 360f / radarpositions.length;
44             float fltradiuswidth = rectworking.width / 2;
45             float minx = rectworking.left;
46             float maxx = rectworking.right;
47             float miny = rectworking.top;
48             float maxy = rectworking.bottom;
49             using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
50             {
51                 pointf centrepoint = new pointf(rectworking.left + rectworking.width / 2, rectworking.top + rectworking.height / 2);
52                 for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
53                 {
54                     float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * i;
55                     fltangle = fltangle % 360;
56                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltradiuswidth);
57                     var _txtsize = g.measurestring(radarpositions[i].text, font);
58                     if (_point.x < centrepoint.x)//左
59                     {
60                         if (_point.x - _txtsize.width < minx)
61                         {
62                             minx = rectworking.left + _txtsize.width;
63                         }
64                     }
65                     else//右
66                     {
67                         if (_point.x + _txtsize.width > maxx)
68                         {
69                             maxx = rectworking.right - _txtsize.width;
70                         }
71                     }
72                     if (_point.y < centrepoint.y)//上
73                     {
74                         if (_point.y - _txtsize.height < miny)
75                         {
76                             miny = rectworking.top + _txtsize.height;
77                         }
78                     }
79                     else//下
80                     {
81                         if (_point.y + _txtsize.height > maxy)
82                         {
83                             maxy = rectworking.bottom - _txtsize.height;
84                         }
85                     }
86                 }
87             }
89             min = math.min(maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
90             m_rectworking = new rectanglef(minx, miny, min, min);
91         }


  1 protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)
  2         {
  3             base.onpaint(e);
  4             var g = e.graphics;
  5             g.setgdihigh();
  7             if (!string.isnullorempty(title))
  8             {
  9                 g.drawstring(title, titlefont, new solidbrush(titlecolor), new rectanglef(m_rectworking.left + (m_rectworking.width - titlesize.width) / 2, m_rectworking.top - titlesize.height - 10 - (intlinevaluerowcount * (10 + linevaluetypesize.height)), titlesize.width, titlesize.height));
 10             }
 12             if (radarpositions.length <= 2)
 13             {
 14                 g.drawstring("至少需要3个顶点", font, new solidbrush(color.black), m_rectworking, new stringformat() { alignment = stringalignment.center, linealignment = stringalignment.center });
 15                 return;
 16             }
 18             var y = m_rectworking.top - 20 - (intlinevaluerowcount * (10 + linevaluetypesize.height));
 20             for (int i = 0; i < intlinevaluerowcount; i++)
 21             {
 22                 var x = 0f;
 23                 int intcount = intlinevaluecomcount;
 24                 if (i == intlinevaluerowcount - 1)
 25                 {
 26                     intcount = lines.length % intlinevaluecomcount;
 28                 }
 29                 x = m_rectworking.left + (m_rectworking.width - intcount * (linevaluetypesize.width + 25)) / 2;
 31                 for (int j = 0; j < intcount; j++)
 32                 {
 33                     g.fillrectangle(new solidbrush(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].linecolor.value), new rectanglef(x + (linevaluetypesize.width + 25)*j, y + linevaluetypesize.height * i, 15, linevaluetypesize.height));
 34                     g.drawstring(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].name, font, new solidbrush(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].linecolor.value), new pointf(x + (linevaluetypesize.width + 25) * j + 20, y + linevaluetypesize.height * i));
 35                 }
 36             }
 38             float fltsplitangle = 360f / radarpositions.length;
 39             float fltradiuswidth = m_rectworking.width / 2;
 40             float fltsplitradiuswidth = fltradiuswidth / splitcount;
 41             pointf centrepoint = new pointf(m_rectworking.left + m_rectworking.width / 2, m_rectworking.top + m_rectworking.height / 2);
 43             list<list<pointf>> lstringpoints = new list<list<pointf>>(splitcount);
 44             //分割点
 45             for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
 46             {
 47                 float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * i;
 48                 fltangle = fltangle % 360;
 49                 for (int j = 0; j < splitcount; j++)
 50                 {
 51                     if (i == 0)
 52                     {
 53                         lstringpoints.add(new list<pointf>());
 54                     }
 55                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltsplitradiuswidth * (splitcount - j));
 56                     lstringpoints[j].add(_point);
 57                 }
 58             }
 60             for (int i = 0; i < lstringpoints.count; i++)
 61             {
 62                 var ring = lstringpoints[i];
 63                 graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
 64                 path.addlines(ring.toarray());
 65                 if ((lstringpoints.count - i) % 2 == 0)
 66                 {
 67                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(splitevencolor), path);
 68                 }
 69                 else
 70                 {
 71                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(splitoddcolor), path);
 72                 }
 73             }
 75             //画环
 76             foreach (var ring in lstringpoints)
 77             {
 78                 ring.add(ring[0]);
 79                 g.drawlines(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolor)), ring.toarray());
 80             }
 81             //分割线
 82             foreach (var item in lstringpoints[0])
 83             {
 84                 g.drawline(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolor)), centrepoint, item);
 85             }
 87             //值
 88             for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
 89             {
 90                 var line = lines[i];
 91                 if (line.values.length != radarpositions.length)//如果数据长度和节点长度不一致则不绘制
 92                     continue;
 93                 if (line.linecolor == null || line.linecolor == color.empty || line.linecolor == color.transparent)
 94                     line.linecolor = controlhelper.colors[i + 13];
 95                 list<pointf> ps = new list<pointf>();
 96                 for (int j = 0; j < radarpositions.length; j++)
 97                 {
 98                     float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * j;
 99                     fltangle = fltangle % 360;
100                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltradiuswidth * (float)(line.values[j] / radarpositions[i].maxvalue));
101                     ps.add(_point);
102                 }
103                 ps.add(ps[0]);
104                 if (line.fillcolor != null && line.fillcolor != color.empty && line.fillcolor != color.transparent)
105                 {
106                     graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
107                     path.addlines(ps.toarray());
108                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(line.fillcolor.value), path);
109                 }
110                 g.drawlines(new pen(new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value), 2), ps.toarray());
112                 for (int j = 0; j < radarpositions.length; j++)
113                 {
114                     var item = ps[j];
115                     g.fillellipse(new solidbrush(color.white), new rectanglef(item.x - 3, item.y - 3, 6, 6));
116                     g.drawellipse(new pen(new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value)), new rectanglef(item.x - 3, item.y - 3, 6, 6));
117                     if (line.showvaluetext)
118                     {
119                         var valuesize = g.measurestring(line.values[j].tostring("0.##"), font);
120                         g.drawstring(line.values[j].tostring("0.##"), font, new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value), new pointf(item.x - valuesize.width / 2, item.y - valuesize.height - 5));
121                     }
122                 }
123             }
125             //文本
127             for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
128             {
129                 pointf point = lstringpoints[0][i];
130                 var txtsize = g.measurestring(radarpositions[i].text, font);
132                 if (point.x == centrepoint.x)
133                 {
134                     if (point.y > centrepoint.y)
135                     {
136                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - txtsize.width / 2, point.y + 10));
137                     }
138                     else
139                     {
140                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - txtsize.width / 2, point.y - 10 - txtsize.height));
141                     }
142                 }
143                 else if (point.y == centrepoint.y)
144                 {
145                     if (point.x < centrepoint.x)
146                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y - txtsize.height / 2));
147                     else
148                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y - txtsize.height / 2));
149                 }
150                 else if (point.x < centrepoint.x)//左
151                 {
152                     if (point.y < centrepoint.y)//左上
153                     {
154                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y - 10 + txtsize.height / 2));
155                     }
156                     else//左下
157                     {
158                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y + 10 - txtsize.height / 2));
159                     }
160                 }
161                 else
162                 {
163                     if (point.y < centrepoint.y)//右上
164                     {
165                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y - 10 + txtsize.height / 2));
166                     }
167                     else//右下
168                     {
169                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y + 10 - txtsize.height / 2));
170                     }
171                 }
172             }
174         }


 1  #region 根据中心点、角度、半径计算圆边坐标点    english:calculating the coordinate points of circular edge according to the center point, angle and radius
 2         /// <summary>
 3         /// 功能描述:根据中心点、角度、半径计算圆边坐标点    english:calculating the coordinate points of circular edge according to the center point, angle and radius
 4         /// 作  者:hzh
 5         /// 创建日期:2019-09-25 09:46:32
 6         /// 任务编号:pos
 7         /// </summary>
 8         /// <param name="centrepoint">centrepoint</param>
 9         /// <param name="fltangle">fltangle</param>
10         /// <param name="fltradiuswidth">fltradiuswidth</param>
11         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
12         private pointf getpointbyangle(pointf centrepoint, float fltangle, float fltradiuswidth)
13         {
14             pointf p = centrepoint;
15             if (fltangle == 0)
16             {
17                 p.x += fltradiuswidth;
18             }
19             else if (fltangle == 90)
20             {
21                 p.y += fltradiuswidth;
22             }
23             else if (fltangle == 180)
24             {
25                 p.x -= fltradiuswidth;
26             }
27             else if (fltangle == 270)
28             {
29                 p.y -= fltradiuswidth;
30             }
31             else if (fltangle > 0 && fltangle < 90)
32             {
33                 p.y += (float)math.sin(math.pi * (fltangle / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
34                 p.x += (float)math.cos(math.pi * (fltangle / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
35             }
36             else if (fltangle > 90 && fltangle < 180)
37             {
38                 p.y += (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((180 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
39                 p.x -= (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((180 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
40             }
41             else if (fltangle > 180 && fltangle < 270)
42             {
43                 p.y -= (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((fltangle - 180) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
44                 p.x -= (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((fltangle - 180) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
45             }
46             else if (fltangle > 270 && fltangle < 360)
47             {
48                 p.y -= (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((360 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
49                 p.x += (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((360 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
50             }
51             return p;
52         }
53         #endregion
55         /// <summary>
56         /// resets the size of the title.
57         /// </summary>
58         private void resettitlesize()
59         {
60             if (!string.isnullorempty(title))
61             {
62                 using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
63                 {
64                     titlesize = g.measurestring(title, titlefont);
65                 }
66             }
67             else
68             {
69                 titlesize = sizef.empty;
70             }
71             titlesize.height += 20;
72             resetworkingrect();
73         }


  1 // ***********************************************************************
  2 // assembly         : hzh_controls
  3 // created          : 2019-09-25
  4 //
  5 // ***********************************************************************
  6 // <copyright file="ucradarchart.cs">
  7 //     copyright by huang zhenghui(黄正辉) all, qq group:568015492 qq:623128629 email:623128629@qq.com
  8 // </copyright>
  9 //
 10 // blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx
 11 // github:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/netwinformcontrol
 12 // gitee:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_control.git
 13 //
 14 // if you use this code, please keep this note.
 15 // ***********************************************************************
 16 using system;
 17 using system.collections.generic;
 18 using system.linq;
 19 using system.text;
 20 using system.windows.forms;
 21 using system.drawing;
 22 using system.drawing.drawing2d;
 23 using system.componentmodel;
 25 namespace hzh_controls.controls
 26 {
 27     /// <summary>
 28     /// class ucradarchart.
 29     /// implements the <see cref="system.windows.forms.usercontrol" />
 30     /// </summary>
 31     /// <seealso cref="system.windows.forms.usercontrol" />
 32     public class ucradarchart : usercontrol
 33     {
 34         /// <summary>
 35         /// the split count
 36         /// </summary>
 37         private int splitcount = 5;
 38         /// <summary>
 39         /// gets or sets the split count.
 40         /// </summary>
 41         /// <value>the split count.</value>
 42         [browsable(true)]
 43         [category("自定义")]
 44         [description("获取或设置分隔份数")]
 45         public int splitcount
 46         {
 47             get { return splitcount; }
 48             set
 49             {
 50                 splitcount = value;
 51                 invalidate();
 52             }
 53         }
 55         /// <summary>
 56         /// the split odd color
 57         /// </summary>
 58         private color splitoddcolor = color.white;
 59         /// <summary>
 60         /// 分隔奇数栏背景色
 61         /// </summary>
 62         /// <value>the color of the split odd.</value>
 63         [browsable(true)]
 64         [category("自定义")]
 65         [description("获取或设置分隔奇数栏背景色")]
 66         public color splitoddcolor
 67         {
 68             get { return splitoddcolor; }
 69             set
 70             {
 71                 splitoddcolor = value;
 72                 invalidate();
 73             }
 74         }
 75         /// <summary>
 76         /// the split even color
 77         /// </summary>
 78         private color splitevencolor = color.fromargb(232, 232, 232);
 79         /// <summary>
 80         /// 分隔偶数栏背景色
 81         /// </summary>
 82         /// <value>the color of the split even.</value>
 83         [browsable(true)]
 84         [category("自定义")]
 85         [description("获取或设置分隔偶数栏背景色")]
 86         public color splitevencolor
 87         {
 88             get { return splitevencolor; }
 89             set { splitevencolor = value; }
 90         }
 92         /// <summary>
 93         /// the line color
 94         /// </summary>
 95         private color linecolor = color.fromargb(153, 153, 153);
 96         /// <summary>
 97         /// gets or sets the color of the line.
 98         /// </summary>
 99         /// <value>the color of the line.</value>
100         [browsable(true)]
101         [category("自定义")]
102         [description("获取或设置线条色")]
103         public color linecolor
104         {
105             get { return linecolor; }
106             set
107             {
108                 linecolor = value;
109                 invalidate();
110             }
111         }
113         /// <summary>
114         /// the radar positions
115         /// </summary>
116         private radarposition[] radarpositions;
117         /// <summary>
118         /// 节点列表,至少需要3个
119         /// </summary>
120         /// <value>the radar positions.</value>
121         [browsable(true)]
122         [category("自定义")]
123         [description("获取或设置节点,至少需要3个")]
124         public radarposition[] radarpositions
125         {
126             get { return radarpositions; }
127             set
128             {
129                 radarpositions = value;
130                 invalidate();
131             }
132         }
134         /// <summary>
135         /// the title
136         /// </summary>
137         private string title;
138         /// <summary>
139         /// 标题
140         /// </summary>
141         /// <value>the title.</value>
142         [browsable(true)]
143         [category("自定义")]
144         [description("获取或设置标题")]
145         public string title
146         {
147             get { return title; }
148             set
149             {
150                 title = value;
151                 resettitlesize();
152                 invalidate();
153             }
154         }
156         /// <summary>
157         /// the title font
158         /// </summary>
159         private font titlefont = new font("微软雅黑", 12);
160         /// <summary>
161         /// gets or sets the title font.
162         /// </summary>
163         /// <value>the title font.</value>
164         [browsable(true)]
165         [category("自定义")]
166         [description("获取或设置标题字体")]
167         public font titlefont
168         {
169             get { return titlefont; }
170             set
171             {
172                 titlefont = value;
173                 resettitlesize();
174                 invalidate();
175             }
176         }
178         /// <summary>
179         /// the title color
180         /// </summary>
181         private color titlecolor = color.black;
182         /// <summary>
183         /// gets or sets the color of the title.
184         /// </summary>
185         /// <value>the color of the title.</value>
186         [browsable(true)]
187         [category("自定义")]
188         [description("获取或设置标题文本颜色")]
189         public color titlecolor
190         {
191             get { return titlecolor; }
192             set
193             {
194                 titlecolor = value;
195                 invalidate();
196             }
197         }
199         /// <summary>
200         /// the lines
201         /// </summary>
202         private radarline[] lines;
203         /// <summary>
204         /// gets or sets the lines.
205         /// </summary>
206         /// <value>the lines.</value>
207         [browsable(true)]
208         [category("自定义")]
209         [description("获取或设置值线条,values长度必须与radarpositions长度一致,否则无法显示")]
210         public radarline[] lines
211         {
212             get { return lines; }
213             set
214             {
215                 lines = value;
216                 invalidate();
217             }
218         }
221         /// <summary>
222         /// the title size
223         /// </summary>
224         sizef titlesize = sizef.empty;
225         /// <summary>
226         /// the m rect working
227         /// </summary>
228         private rectanglef m_rectworking = rectangle.empty;
229         /// <summary>
230         /// the line value type size
231         /// </summary>
232         sizef linevaluetypesize = sizef.empty;
233         /// <summary>
234         /// the int line value com count
235         /// </summary>
236         int intlinevaluecomcount = 0;
237         /// <summary>
238         /// the int line value row count
239         /// </summary>
240         int intlinevaluerowcount = 0;
241         /// <summary>
242         /// initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ucradarchart"/> class.
243         /// </summary>
244         public ucradarchart()
245         {
246             this.setstyle(controlstyles.allpaintinginwmpaint, true);
247             this.setstyle(controlstyles.doublebuffer, true);
248             this.setstyle(controlstyles.resizeredraw, true);
249             this.setstyle(controlstyles.selectable, true);
250             this.setstyle(controlstyles.supportstransparentbackcolor, true);
251             this.setstyle(controlstyles.userpaint, true);
252             this.autoscalemode = system.windows.forms.autoscalemode.none;
253             this.sizechanged += ucradarchart_sizechanged;
254             size = new system.drawing.size(150, 150);
255             radarpositions = new radarposition[0];
256             if (controlhelper.isdesignmode())
257             {
258                 radarpositions = new radarposition[6];
259                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
260                 {
261                     radarpositions[i] = new radarposition
262                     {
263                         text = "item" + (i + 1),
264                         maxvalue = 100
265                     };
266                 }
267             }
269             lines = new radarline[0];
270             if (controlhelper.isdesignmode())
271             {
272                 random r = new random();
273                 lines = new radarline[2];
274                 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
275                 {
276                     lines[i] = new radarline()
277                     {
278                         name = "line" + i
279                     };
280                     lines[i].values = new double[radarpositions.length];
281                     for (int j = 0; j < radarpositions.length; j++)
282                     {
283                         lines[i].values[j] = r.next(20, (int)radarpositions[j].maxvalue);
284                     }
285                 }
286             }
287         }
289         /// <summary>
290         /// handles the sizechanged event of the ucradarchart control.
291         /// </summary>
292         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
293         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
294         void ucradarchart_sizechanged(object sender, eventargs e)
295         {
296             resetworkingrect();
297         }
299         /// <summary>
300         /// resets the working rect.
301         /// </summary>
302         private void resetworkingrect()
303         {
304             if (lines != null && lines.length > 0)
305             {
306                 using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
307                 {
308                     foreach (var item in lines)
309                     {
310                         var s = g.measurestring(item.name, font);
311                         if (s.width > linevaluetypesize.width)
312                             linevaluetypesize = s;
313                     }
314                 }
315             }
316             var linetypepanelheight = 0f;
317             if (linevaluetypesize != sizef.empty)
318             {
319                 intlinevaluecomcount = (int)(this.width / (linevaluetypesize.width + 25));
321                 intlinevaluerowcount = lines.length / intlinevaluecomcount;
322                 if (lines.length % intlinevaluecomcount != 0)
323                 {
324                     intlinevaluerowcount++;
325                 }
326                 linetypepanelheight = (linevaluetypesize.height + 10) * intlinevaluerowcount;
327             }
328             var min = math.min(this.width, this.height - titlesize.height - linetypepanelheight);
329             var rectworking = new rectanglef((this.width - min) / 2 + 10, titlesize.height + linetypepanelheight + 10, min - 10, min - 10);
330             //处理文字
331             float fltsplitangle = 360f / radarpositions.length;
332             float fltradiuswidth = rectworking.width / 2;
333             float minx = rectworking.left;
334             float maxx = rectworking.right;
335             float miny = rectworking.top;
336             float maxy = rectworking.bottom;
337             using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
338             {
339                 pointf centrepoint = new pointf(rectworking.left + rectworking.width / 2, rectworking.top + rectworking.height / 2);
340                 for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
341                 {
342                     float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * i;
343                     fltangle = fltangle % 360;
344                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltradiuswidth);
345                     var _txtsize = g.measurestring(radarpositions[i].text, font);
346                     if (_point.x < centrepoint.x)//左
347                     {
348                         if (_point.x - _txtsize.width < minx)
349                         {
350                             minx = rectworking.left + _txtsize.width;
351                         }
352                     }
353                     else//右
354                     {
355                         if (_point.x + _txtsize.width > maxx)
356                         {
357                             maxx = rectworking.right - _txtsize.width;
358                         }
359                     }
360                     if (_point.y < centrepoint.y)//上
361                     {
362                         if (_point.y - _txtsize.height < miny)
363                         {
364                             miny = rectworking.top + _txtsize.height;
365                         }
366                     }
367                     else//下
368                     {
369                         if (_point.y + _txtsize.height > maxy)
370                         {
371                             maxy = rectworking.bottom - _txtsize.height;
372                         }
373                     }
374                 }
375             }
377             min = math.min(maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
378             m_rectworking = new rectanglef(minx, miny, min, min);
379         }
381         /// <summary>
382         /// 引发 <see cref="e:system.windows.forms.control.paint" /> 事件。
383         /// </summary>
384         /// <param name="e">包含事件数据的 <see cref="t:system.windows.forms.painteventargs" />。</param>
385         protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)
386         {
387             base.onpaint(e);
388             var g = e.graphics;
389             g.setgdihigh();
391             if (!string.isnullorempty(title))
392             {
393                 g.drawstring(title, titlefont, new solidbrush(titlecolor), new rectanglef(m_rectworking.left + (m_rectworking.width - titlesize.width) / 2, m_rectworking.top - titlesize.height - 10 - (intlinevaluerowcount * (10 + linevaluetypesize.height)), titlesize.width, titlesize.height));
394             }
396             if (radarpositions.length <= 2)
397             {
398                 g.drawstring("至少需要3个顶点", font, new solidbrush(color.black), m_rectworking, new stringformat() { alignment = stringalignment.center, linealignment = stringalignment.center });
399                 return;
400             }
402             var y = m_rectworking.top - 20 - (intlinevaluerowcount * (10 + linevaluetypesize.height));
404             for (int i = 0; i < intlinevaluerowcount; i++)
405             {
406                 var x = 0f;
407                 int intcount = intlinevaluecomcount;
408                 if (i == intlinevaluerowcount - 1)
409                 {
410                     intcount = lines.length % intlinevaluecomcount;
412                 }
413                 x = m_rectworking.left + (m_rectworking.width - intcount * (linevaluetypesize.width + 25)) / 2;
415                 for (int j = 0; j < intcount; j++)
416                 {
417                     g.fillrectangle(new solidbrush(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].linecolor.value), new rectanglef(x + (linevaluetypesize.width + 25)*j, y + linevaluetypesize.height * i, 15, linevaluetypesize.height));
418                     g.drawstring(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].name, font, new solidbrush(lines[i * intlinevaluecomcount + j].linecolor.value), new pointf(x + (linevaluetypesize.width + 25) * j + 20, y + linevaluetypesize.height * i));
419                 }
420             }
422             float fltsplitangle = 360f / radarpositions.length;
423             float fltradiuswidth = m_rectworking.width / 2;
424             float fltsplitradiuswidth = fltradiuswidth / splitcount;
425             pointf centrepoint = new pointf(m_rectworking.left + m_rectworking.width / 2, m_rectworking.top + m_rectworking.height / 2);
427             list<list<pointf>> lstringpoints = new list<list<pointf>>(splitcount);
428             //分割点
429             for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
430             {
431                 float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * i;
432                 fltangle = fltangle % 360;
433                 for (int j = 0; j < splitcount; j++)
434                 {
435                     if (i == 0)
436                     {
437                         lstringpoints.add(new list<pointf>());
438                     }
439                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltsplitradiuswidth * (splitcount - j));
440                     lstringpoints[j].add(_point);
441                 }
442             }
444             for (int i = 0; i < lstringpoints.count; i++)
445             {
446                 var ring = lstringpoints[i];
447                 graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
448                 path.addlines(ring.toarray());
449                 if ((lstringpoints.count - i) % 2 == 0)
450                 {
451                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(splitevencolor), path);
452                 }
453                 else
454                 {
455                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(splitoddcolor), path);
456                 }
457             }
459             //画环
460             foreach (var ring in lstringpoints)
461             {
462                 ring.add(ring[0]);
463                 g.drawlines(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolor)), ring.toarray());
464             }
465             //分割线
466             foreach (var item in lstringpoints[0])
467             {
468                 g.drawline(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolor)), centrepoint, item);
469             }
471             //值
472             for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
473             {
474                 var line = lines[i];
475                 if (line.values.length != radarpositions.length)//如果数据长度和节点长度不一致则不绘制
476                     continue;
477                 if (line.linecolor == null || line.linecolor == color.empty || line.linecolor == color.transparent)
478                     line.linecolor = controlhelper.colors[i + 13];
479                 list<pointf> ps = new list<pointf>();
480                 for (int j = 0; j < radarpositions.length; j++)
481                 {
482                     float fltangle = 270 + fltsplitangle * j;
483                     fltangle = fltangle % 360;
484                     pointf _point = getpointbyangle(centrepoint, fltangle, fltradiuswidth * (float)(line.values[j] / radarpositions[i].maxvalue));
485                     ps.add(_point);
486                 }
487                 ps.add(ps[0]);
488                 if (line.fillcolor != null && line.fillcolor != color.empty && line.fillcolor != color.transparent)
489                 {
490                     graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
491                     path.addlines(ps.toarray());
492                     g.fillpath(new solidbrush(line.fillcolor.value), path);
493                 }
494                 g.drawlines(new pen(new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value), 2), ps.toarray());
496                 for (int j = 0; j < radarpositions.length; j++)
497                 {
498                     var item = ps[j];
499                     g.fillellipse(new solidbrush(color.white), new rectanglef(item.x - 3, item.y - 3, 6, 6));
500                     g.drawellipse(new pen(new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value)), new rectanglef(item.x - 3, item.y - 3, 6, 6));
501                     if (line.showvaluetext)
502                     {
503                         var valuesize = g.measurestring(line.values[j].tostring("0.##"), font);
504                         g.drawstring(line.values[j].tostring("0.##"), font, new solidbrush(line.linecolor.value), new pointf(item.x - valuesize.width / 2, item.y - valuesize.height - 5));
505                     }
506                 }
507             }
509             //文本
511             for (int i = 0; i < radarpositions.length; i++)
512             {
513                 pointf point = lstringpoints[0][i];
514                 var txtsize = g.measurestring(radarpositions[i].text, font);
516                 if (point.x == centrepoint.x)
517                 {
518                     if (point.y > centrepoint.y)
519                     {
520                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - txtsize.width / 2, point.y + 10));
521                     }
522                     else
523                     {
524                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - txtsize.width / 2, point.y - 10 - txtsize.height));
525                     }
526                 }
527                 else if (point.y == centrepoint.y)
528                 {
529                     if (point.x < centrepoint.x)
530                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y - txtsize.height / 2));
531                     else
532                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y - txtsize.height / 2));
533                 }
534                 else if (point.x < centrepoint.x)//左
535                 {
536                     if (point.y < centrepoint.y)//左上
537                     {
538                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y - 10 + txtsize.height / 2));
539                     }
540                     else//左下
541                     {
542                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x - 10 - txtsize.width, point.y + 10 - txtsize.height / 2));
543                     }
544                 }
545                 else
546                 {
547                     if (point.y < centrepoint.y)//右上
548                     {
549                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y - 10 + txtsize.height / 2));
550                     }
551                     else//右下
552                     {
553                         g.drawstring(radarpositions[i].text, font, new solidbrush(forecolor), new pointf(point.x + 10, point.y + 10 - txtsize.height / 2));
554                     }
555                 }
556             }
558         }
560         #region 根据中心点、角度、半径计算圆边坐标点    english:calculating the coordinate points of circular edge according to the center point, angle and radius
561         /// <summary>
562         /// 功能描述:根据中心点、角度、半径计算圆边坐标点    english:calculating the coordinate points of circular edge according to the center point, angle and radius
563         /// 作  者:hzh
564         /// 创建日期:2019-09-25 09:46:32
565         /// 任务编号:pos
566         /// </summary>
567         /// <param name="centrepoint">centrepoint</param>
568         /// <param name="fltangle">fltangle</param>
569         /// <param name="fltradiuswidth">fltradiuswidth</param>
570         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
571         private pointf getpointbyangle(pointf centrepoint, float fltangle, float fltradiuswidth)
572         {
573             pointf p = centrepoint;
574             if (fltangle == 0)
575             {
576                 p.x += fltradiuswidth;
577             }
578             else if (fltangle == 90)
579             {
580                 p.y += fltradiuswidth;
581             }
582             else if (fltangle == 180)
583             {
584                 p.x -= fltradiuswidth;
585             }
586             else if (fltangle == 270)
587             {
588                 p.y -= fltradiuswidth;
589             }
590             else if (fltangle > 0 && fltangle < 90)
591             {
592                 p.y += (float)math.sin(math.pi * (fltangle / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
593                 p.x += (float)math.cos(math.pi * (fltangle / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
594             }
595             else if (fltangle > 90 && fltangle < 180)
596             {
597                 p.y += (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((180 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
598                 p.x -= (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((180 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
599             }
600             else if (fltangle > 180 && fltangle < 270)
601             {
602                 p.y -= (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((fltangle - 180) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
603                 p.x -= (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((fltangle - 180) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
604             }
605             else if (fltangle > 270 && fltangle < 360)
606             {
607                 p.y -= (float)math.sin(math.pi * ((360 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
608                 p.x += (float)math.cos(math.pi * ((360 - fltangle) / 180.00f)) * fltradiuswidth;
609             }
610             return p;
611         }
612         #endregion
614         /// <summary>
615         /// resets the size of the title.
616         /// </summary>
617         private void resettitlesize()
618         {
619             if (!string.isnullorempty(title))
620             {
621                 using (graphics g = this.creategraphics())
622                 {
623                     titlesize = g.measurestring(title, titlefont);
624                 }
625             }
626             else
627             {
628                 titlesize = sizef.empty;
629             }
630             titlesize.height += 20;
631             resetworkingrect();
632         }
633     }
634 }



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