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C++Primer Plus 习题_第四章

程序员文章站 2023-04-08 09:56:14
#pragma once #ifndef CHAPTER4_H_ #define CHAPTER4_H_ #include #include #include using namespace std; //1&2 struct memberInfo1; class Exercise1 { priva... ......
#pragma once
#ifndef CHAPTER4_H_
#define CHAPTER4_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <array>

using namespace std;

struct memberInfo1;
class Exercise1
    void inputInfo1();
    void outpuInfo1();
    void inputInfo2();
    char *getString(); 

class Exercise3

    void inputInfo();
    void outputInfo(char *pf, char *pl);
    char *getString();

class Exercise4
    string firstName_;
    string lastname_;
    void inputInfo();
    void outputInfo();

struct CandyBar
    string brand;
    float weight;
    int calorie;
class Exercise5
    CandyBar candyBar;
    CandyBar setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie);


class Exercise6
    CandyBar setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie);

struct pizza
    string brand;
    float diameter;
    float weight;
class Exercise7
     int size_;
    void setSize(int size);
    pizza recordInfo(string brand, float diameter, float weight);

class Exercise8
     int size_;
    void setSize(int size);
    pizza* recordInfo(float diameter, string brand, float weight);

class Exercise9


    CandyBar *setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie);


class Exercise10
    array<float,3> arr;
    int time_;
    void recordDistance(int count);
    void showInfo();

#endif // !CHAPTER4_H_
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "chapter4.h"

struct memberInfo1
    string firtsName;
    string lastName;
    char grade;
    int age;

memberInfo1 m1;

void Exercise1::inputInfo1()
    cout << "请输入您的姓氏:";
    cin >> m1.firtsName;
    cout << "请输入您的名字:";
    cin >> m1.lastName;
    cout << "请输入您的等级:";
    cin >> m1.grade;
    cout << "请输入您的年龄:";
    cin >> m1.age;

void Exercise1::outpuInfo1()
    cout << "姓:" << m1.firtsName << endl;
    cout << "名:" << m1.lastName << endl;
    cout << "等级:" << m1.grade << endl;
    cout << "年龄:" << m1.age << endl;

void Exercise1::inputInfo2()
    cout << "请输入您的姓氏:";
    char *pfirstName;
    pfirstName = getString();
    cout << "请输入您的名字:";
    char *plastName;
    plastName = getString();
    cout << "请输入您的等级:";
    char grade;
    cin >> grade;
    cout << "请输入您的年龄:";
    int age;
    cin >> age;

    cout << "姓:" << pfirstName << "   字符长度为:" << strlen(pfirstName) << endl; //cout<<指针  直接输出指针指向的内存中的值
    cout << "名:" << plastName << "   字符长度为:" << strlen(plastName) << endl;
    cout << "等级:" << grade << endl;
    cout << "年龄:" << age << endl;
    delete[] pfirstName;
    delete[] plastName;

char * Exercise1::getString()
    char temp[80];
    cin >> temp;
    char *pn = new char[strlen(temp) + 1]; //字符数组表示字符串需在最后留1位用于放换行符"\n"。strlen()返回的长度不包括换行符。
    strcpy_s(pn, strlen(temp) + 1, temp); //将字符temp的值复制一份存到pn指针指向的新内存中。

    return pn;

void Exercise3::inputInfo()
    cout << "请输入您的姓氏:";
    char *pfirstName;
    pfirstName = getString();
    cout << "请输入您的名字:";
    char *plastName;
    plastName = getString();
    outputInfo(pfirstName, plastName);
    delete[] pfirstName;
    delete[] plastName;

void Exercise3::outputInfo(char *pf, char *pl)
    cout << "姓名:" << pf << "," << pl << endl;

char * Exercise3::getString()
    char temp[80];
    cin >> temp;
    char *pn = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];
    strcpy_s(pn, strlen(temp) + 1, temp);
    return pn;

void Exercise4::inputInfo()
    cout << "请输入您的姓氏:";
    cin >> firstName_;
    cout << "请输入您的名字:";
    cin >> lastname_;


void Exercise4::outputInfo()
    cout << "姓名:" << firstName_ << ", " << lastname_ << endl;

CandyBar Exercise5::setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie)
    CandyBar snak = { brand, weight, calorie };
    return snak;

CandyBar Exercise6::setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie)
    CandyBar snak = { brand, weight, calorie };
    return snak;

void Exercise7::setSize(int size)
    size_ = size;

pizza Exercise7::recordInfo(string brand, float diameter, float weight)
    pizza piz = {};
    piz.brand = brand;
    piz.diameter = diameter;
    piz.weight = weight;
    return piz;

void Exercise8::setSize(int size)
    size_ = size;

pizza* Exercise8::recordInfo(float diameter, string brand, float weight)
    pizza *ppizza = new pizza{ brand,diameter,weight };
    return ppizza;

CandyBar* Exercise9::setSnack(string brand, float weight, int calorie)
    CandyBar *pc = new CandyBar{ brand, weight, calorie };
    return pc;

void Exercise10::recordDistance(int time)
    time_ = time;
    for (int i = 0; i < time_; i++)
        cout << "请输入第" << i + 1 << "次40码跑的成绩:";
        cin >> arr[i];

void Exercise10::showInfo()
    float total = 0;
    cout << "共跑了" << time_ << "次" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < time_; i++)
        total += arr[i];
    cout << "平均成绩为:" << total / time_ << endl;
// C++Primer Plus 习题_第四章.cpp: 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
//d.dipsea是由64个long double组成的数组。
//答案:a.char actor[30];
//        b.short betsie[100];
//        c.float chuck[13];
//        d.long double dispasea[64];

//        using namespace std;
//        array<char 30> actor;
//        array<short 100>betsie;
//        array<float 13>chuck;
//        array<long double 64>dispasea;

//答案:int oddly[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};

//答案:int sum = oddly[0] + oddly[4];

//答案:cout << ideas[1] << endl;

//答案:char lunch[13] = "cheeseburger";  或者  char lunch[] = "cheeseburger";

//7.声明一个string对象,并将其初始化为字符串"Waldorf Salad"。
//        using namespace;
//        string name = "Waldorf Salad";

//答案:struct Fish
//        {
//            char kind;
//            int    weight;
//            float length;
//        };     

//答案:Fish fish = {"weever", 2, 12.5};

//答案:enum Response
//        {
//            No,
//            Yes,
//            Maybe
//        };

//答案:double *pd = &ted;
//        cout << *pd << "\n";

//答案:float *pf = treacle; 或者 float *pf = &treacle[0]; //数组就是指针 或者指向数组第一个元素的地址。
//        cout << pf[0] << " " << pf[9] << endl; 或者 cout << *pf << " " << *(pf + 9);        

//unsigned int size;
//cout << "请输入一个元素数目:";
//cin << size;
//int * dyn = new int [size];
//vector<int> dv(size);

//cout << (int *) "Home of the jolly bytes";
//答案:是的,它是有效的。表达式"home of the jolly bytes"是一个字符串常量,因此它将判定为字符串开始的地址。cout对象将char地址解释为打印字符串,但类型转换(int *)将地址转换为

//答案:Fish fish = new Fish{"weever", 2, 12.5};
//        string name = fish.kind;
//        fish *p = new Fish{"weever", 2, 12.5};
//        cout << "种类为:" << p-> kind;

//答:使用cin>>address 将使得程序跳过空白,直到找到给空白字符为止。然后它将读取字符,直到再次遇到空白为止。因此,它将跳过数字输入的换行符,从未避免这种问题。另一方面,它值读取

//答:  #include <string>
//        #include <vector>
//        #include <array>
//        const int Str_num {10};   //或者 const int = 10;
//        ....
//        std:vector<std:string> vstr(Str_num);
//        std:array<std:string,Str_num> astr;


//    What is your first name? Betty Sue
//    What is your last name? Yewe
//    What letter grade do you deserve? B
//    What is your age? 22
//    Name:Yewe,Betty Sue
//    Grade:C
//    Age:22

//2.修改程序清单4.4,使用C++ string类而不是char数组。

//    Enter your first name: Flip
//    Enter your last name: Fleming
//    Here's the informarion in a single string: Fleming, Flip

//    Enter your first name: Flip
//    Enter your last name: Fleming
//    Here's the information in a single string: Fleming, Flip

//编写一个程序,声明这个结构,创建一个名为snack的CandyBar变量,并将其成员分别初始化为"Mocha Munch"、2.3和350.初始化应在声明snack时进行。最后,


//7.William Wingate 从事披萨饼分析服务。对于每个披萨饼,他都需要记录下列信息:
//     披萨饼公司的名称,可以有多个单词组成。
//     披萨饼的直径。
//     披萨饼的重量。




#include "stdafx.h"
#include "chapter4.h"
int main()
    cout << "第一题" << endl;
    Exercise1 ex1;
    cout << "第二题" << endl;
    cout << "第三题" << endl;
    Exercise3 ex3;

    cout << "第四题" << endl;
    Exercise4 ex4;

    cout << "第五题" << endl;
    Exercise5 ex5;
    ex5.candyBar = ex5.setSnack("Mocha Munch",2.3,350);
    cout << "品牌:" << ex5.candyBar.brand << "  " << "重量:" << ex5.candyBar.weight << "  " << "卡路里:" << ex5.candyBar.calorie <<endl;

    cout << "第六题" << endl;
    Exercise6 ex6;
    CandyBar * c[3];
    c[0] = &(ex6.setSnack("Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350));
    c[1] = &(ex6.setSnack("uimodle", 2.0, 200));
    c[2] = &(ex6.setSnack("lebin", 3.5, 180));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << "品牌" << i << ":" << c[i]->brand << "  " << "重量:" << c[i]->weight << "  " << "卡路里:" << c[i]->calorie << endl;

    cout << "第七题" << endl;
    Exercise7 ex7;
    int const size = 3;
    pizza pizzzaa[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        string brand;
        float diameter;
        float weight;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "名称:";
        cin >> brand;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "直径:";
        cin >> diameter;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "重量:";
        cin >> weight;
        pizzzaa[i] = ex7.recordInfo(brand, diameter, weight);
    cout << "显示所有输入信息:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        cout << i + 1 << ":" << pizzzaa[i].brand << "---" << pizzzaa[i].diameter << "---" << pizzzaa[i].weight <<endl;

    cout << "第八题" << endl;
    Exercise8 ex8;
    int const size2 = 3;
    pizza *ppizzz[size2] = {};
    for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++)
        float diameter;
        string brand;
        float weight;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "直径:";
        cin >> diameter;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "名称:";
        cin >> brand;
        cout << "披萨" << i + 1 << "重量:";
        cin >> weight;
        ppizzz[i] = ex8.recordInfo( diameter, brand, weight);
    cout << "显示所有输入信息:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++)
        cout << i + 1 << ": " << ppizzz[i]->brand << "---" << ppizzz[i]->diameter << "---" << ppizzz[i]->weight << endl;
        delete ppizzz[i]; //基本类型的对象没有析构函数,所以回收基本类型组成的数组空间用 delete 和 delete[] 都是应该可以的;
        //但是对于类对象数组,只能用 delete[]。对于 new 的单个对象,只能用 delete 不能用 delete[] 回收空间。
        //new 和 delete、new[] 和 delete[] 对应使用。

    cout << "第九题" << endl;
    Exercise9 ex9;
    CandyBar * c2[3];
    c2[0] = ex9.setSnack("Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350);
    c2[1] = ex9.setSnack("uimodle", 2.0, 200);
    c2[2] = ex9.setSnack("lebin", 3.5, 180);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << "品牌" << i+1 << ":" << c2[i]->brand << "  " << "重量:" << c2[i]->weight << "  " << "卡路里:" << c2[i]->calorie << endl;
        delete c2[i];

    cout << "第十题" << endl;
    Exercise10 ex10;
    return 0;