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程序员文章站 2023-01-25 07:57:49
本文实例讲述了php实现每天自动变换随机问候语的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体分析如下: 这里预先定义一个php数组,里面存放一些随机问候语,调用的时候指定是按照天,月...



function randomquotebyinterval($timebase, $quotesarray){
  // make sure it is a integer
  $timebase = intval($timebase);
  // how many items are in the array?
  $itemcount = count($quotesarray);
  // by using the modulus operator we get a pseudo
  // random index position that is between zero and the
  // maximal value (itemcount)
  $randomindexpos = ($timebase % $itemcount);
  // now return the random array element
  return $quotesarray[$randomindexpos];
** --> see the example section below for a
**   detailed instruction.


// use the day of the year to get a daily changing
// quote changing (z = 0 till 365)
$dayoftheyear = date('z');
// you could also use:
// --> date('m'); // quote changes every month
// --> date('h'); // quote changes every hour
// --> date('i'); // quote changes every minute
// example array with some random quotes
$randomquotes = array(
  'no animals were harmed in the making of this snippet.',
  'nice snippets',
  'the modulus operator rocks!',
  'php is cool.'
print randomquotebyinterval($dayoftheyear, $randomquotes);
