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程序员文章站 2022-11-03 17:27:31
js数字转换为excel字母列的代码教程 /** * convert from numeric position to letter for column nam...


 * convert from numeric position to letter for column names in excel 
 * @param  {int} n column number 
 * @return {string} column letter(s) name 
function createcellpos( n ){  
    var orda = 'a'.charcodeat(0);  
    var ordz = 'z'.charcodeat(0);  
    var len = ordz - orda + 1;  
    var s = "";  
    while( n >= 0 ) {  
        s = string.fromcharcode(n % len + orda) + s;  
        n = math.floor(n / len) - 1;  
    return s;  