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Liferay控制台出现redirect to url is not allowed

程序员文章站 2022-07-15 13:24:47

在本地部署使用Localhost访问都正常,部署到服务器后用ip访问老是出现warn:redirect to +url+ is not allowed, 原来portal.properties里面有默认的配置如下:

## Redirect  

    # Set this property to "ip" or "domain" for the redirect security method. If  
    # set to "domain", the portal will only redirect users to domains listed in  
    # the property "redirect.url.domain.allowed". If set to "ip", the portal  
    # will only redirect to domains whose IP address resolve to an IP address  
    # listed in the property "redirect.url.ip.allowed".  

    # Input a list of comma delimited domains which the portal is allowed to  
    # redirect to. Input a blank list to allow any domain.  

    # Input a list of comma delimited IPs which the portal is allowed to  
    # redirect to. Input a blank list to allow any IP. SERVER_IP will be  
    # replaced with the IP of the host server.  


相关标签: liferay