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号外!Rails2.0来了 RailsSVNIDEACC++ 

程序员文章站 2022-07-14 14:10:12
C:\Documents and Settings\Quon>gem install rails --include-dependencies --source
INFO:  `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed
INFO:  use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list
Successfully installed actionmailer-2.0.0
Successfully installed activeresource-2.0.0
Successfully installed rails-2.0.0
3 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for actionmailer-2.0.0...
Installing ri documentation for activeresource-2.0.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-2.0.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-2.0.0...

C:\Documents and Settings\Quon>rails -v
Rails 2.0.0