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程序员文章站 2022-07-13 10:39:17

1. 简介




## category feature one_hot
test_data['label'] = -1
data = pd.concat([train_data, test_data])
cate_feature = ['gender', 'cell_province', 'id_province', 'id_city', 'rate', 'term']
for item in cate_feature:
    data[item] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(data[item])

train = data[data['label'] != -1]
test = data[data['label'] == -1]

## Clean up the memory
del data, train_data, test_data

## get train feature
del_feature = ['auditing_date', 'due_date', 'label']
features = [i for i in train.columns if i not in del_feature]

## Convert the label to two categories
train['label'] = train['label'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x==32 else 0)
train_x = train[features]
train_y = train['label'].values
test = test[features]


params = {'num_leaves': 60, #结果对最终效果影响较大,越大值越好,太大会出现过拟合
          'min_data_in_leaf': 30,
          'objective': 'binary', #定义的目标函数
          'max_depth': -1,
          'learning_rate': 0.03,
          "min_sum_hessian_in_leaf": 6,
          "boosting": "gbdt",
          "feature_fraction": 0.9,  #提取的特征比率
          "bagging_freq": 1,
          "bagging_fraction": 0.8,
          "bagging_seed": 11,
          "lambda_l1": 0.1,             #l1正则
          # 'lambda_l2': 0.001,     #l2正则
          "verbosity": -1,
          "nthread": -1,                #线程数量,-1表示全部线程,线程越多,运行的速度越快
          'metric': {'binary_logloss', 'auc'},  ##评价函数选择
          "random_state": 2019, #随机数种子,可以防止每次运行的结果不一致
          # 'device': 'gpu' ##如果安装的事gpu版本的lightgbm,可以加快运算

folds = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2019)
prob_oof = np.zeros((train_x.shape[0], ))
test_pred_prob = np.zeros((test.shape[0], ))

## train and predict
feature_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
for fold_, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds.split(train)):
    print("fold {}".format(fold_ + 1))
    trn_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[trn_idx], label=train_y[trn_idx])
    val_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[val_idx], label=train_y[val_idx])

    clf = lgb.train(params,
                    valid_sets=[trn_data, val_data],
    prob_oof[val_idx] = clf.predict(train_x.iloc[val_idx], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration)

    fold_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
    fold_importance_df["Feature"] = features
    fold_importance_df["importance"] = clf.feature_importance()
    fold_importance_df["fold"] = fold_ + 1
    feature_importance_df = pd.concat([feature_importance_df, fold_importance_df], axis=0)

    test_pred_prob += clf.predict(test[features], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration) / folds.n_splits

threshold = 0.5
for pred in test_pred_prob:
    result = 1 if pred > threshold else 0

上面的参数中目标函数采用的事binary,评价函数采用的是{'binary_logloss', 'auc'},可以根据需要对评价函数做调整,可以设定一个或者多个评价函数;'num_leaves'对最终的结果影响较大,如果值设置的过大会出现过拟合现象。




params = {'num_leaves': 60,
          'min_data_in_leaf': 30,
          'objective': 'multiclass',
          'num_class': 33,
          'max_depth': -1,
          'learning_rate': 0.03,
          "min_sum_hessian_in_leaf": 6,
          "boosting": "gbdt",
          "feature_fraction": 0.9,
          "bagging_freq": 1,
          "bagging_fraction": 0.8,
          "bagging_seed": 11,
          "lambda_l1": 0.1,
          "verbosity": -1,
          "nthread": 15,
          'metric': 'multi_logloss',
          "random_state": 2019,
          # 'device': 'gpu' 

folds = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2019)
prob_oof = np.zeros((train_x.shape[0], 33))
test_pred_prob = np.zeros((test.shape[0], 33))

## train and predict
feature_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
for fold_, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds.split(train)):
    print("fold {}".format(fold_ + 1))
    trn_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[trn_idx], label=train_y.iloc[trn_idx])
    val_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[val_idx], label=train_y.iloc[val_idx])

    clf = lgb.train(params,
                    valid_sets=[trn_data, val_data],
    prob_oof[val_idx] = clf.predict(train_x.iloc[val_idx], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration)

    fold_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
    fold_importance_df["Feature"] = features
    fold_importance_df["importance"] = clf.feature_importance()
    fold_importance_df["fold"] = fold_ + 1
    feature_importance_df = pd.concat([feature_importance_df, fold_importance_df], axis=0)

    test_pred_prob += clf.predict(test[features], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration) / folds.n_splits
result = np.argmax(test_pred_prob, axis=1)



params = {'num_leaves': 38,
          'min_data_in_leaf': 50,
          'objective': 'regression',
          'max_depth': -1,
          'learning_rate': 0.02,
          "min_sum_hessian_in_leaf": 6,
          "boosting": "gbdt",
          "feature_fraction": 0.9,
          "bagging_freq": 1,
          "bagging_fraction": 0.7,
          "bagging_seed": 11,
          "lambda_l1": 0.1,
          "verbosity": -1,
          "nthread": 4,
          'metric': 'mae',
          "random_state": 2019,
          # 'device': 'gpu'

def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred):
    return np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / (y_true))) * 100

def smape_func(preds, dtrain):
    label = dtrain.get_label().values
    epsilon = 0.1
    summ = np.maximum(0.5 + epsilon, np.abs(label) + np.abs(preds) + epsilon)
    smape = np.mean(np.abs(label - preds) / summ) * 2
    return 'smape', float(smape), False

folds = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2019)
oof = np.zeros(train_x.shape[0])
predictions = np.zeros(test.shape[0])

train_y = np.log1p(train_y) # Data smoothing
feature_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
for fold_, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds.split(train_x)):
    print("fold {}".format(fold_ + 1))
    trn_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[trn_idx], label=train_y.iloc[trn_idx])
    val_data = lgb.Dataset(train_x.iloc[val_idx], label=train_y.iloc[val_idx])

    clf = lgb.train(params,
                    valid_sets=[trn_data, val_data],
    oof[val_idx] = clf.predict(train_x.iloc[val_idx], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration)

    fold_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
    fold_importance_df["Feature"] = features
    fold_importance_df["importance"] = clf.feature_importance()
    fold_importance_df["fold"] = fold_ + 1
    feature_importance_df = pd.concat([feature_importance_df, fold_importance_df], axis=0)

    predictions += clf.predict(test, num_iteration=clf.best_iteration) / folds.n_splits

print('mse %.6f' % mean_squared_error(train_y, oof))
print('mae %.6f' % mean_absolute_error(train_y, oof))

result = np.expm1(predictions) #reduction
result = predictions




Control Parameters 含义 用法
max_depth 树的最大深度 当模型过拟合时,可以考虑首先降低 max_depth
min_data_in_leaf 叶子可能具有的最小记录数 默认20,过拟合时用
feature_fraction 例如 为0.8时,意味着在每次迭代中随机选择80%的参数来建树 boosting 为 random forest 时用
bagging_fraction 每次迭代时用的数据比例 用于加快训练速度和减小过拟合
early_stopping_round 如果一次验证数据的一个度量在最近的early_stopping_round 回合中没有提高,模型将停止训练 加速分析,减少过多迭代
lambda 指定正则化 0~1
min_gain_to_split 描述分裂的最小 gain 控制树的有用的分裂
max_cat_group 在 group 边界上找到分割点 当类别数量很多时,找分割点很容易过拟合时
Core Parameters 含义 用法
Task 数据的用途 选择 train 或者 predict
application 模型的用途 选择 regression: 回归时,binary: 二分类时,multiclass: 多分类时
boosting 要用的算法 gbdt, rf: random forest, dart: Dropouts meet Multiple Additive Regression Trees, goss: Gradient-based One-Side Sampling
num_boost_round 迭代次数 通常 100+
learning_rate 如果一次验证数据的一个度量在最近的 early_stopping_round 回合中没有提高,模型将停止训练 常用 0.1, 0.001, 0.003…
num_leaves 默认 31
device cpu 或者 gpu
metric mae: mean absolute error , mse: mean squared error , binary_logloss: loss for binary classification , multi_logloss: loss for multi classification
IO parameter 含义
max_bin 表示 feature 将存入的 bin 的最大数量
categorical_feature 如果 categorical_features = 0,1,2, 则列 0,1,2是 categorical 变量
ignore_column categorical_features 类似,只不过不是将特定的列视为categorical,而是完全忽略
save_binary 这个参数为 true 时,则数据集被保存为二进制文件,下次读数据时速度会变快


IO parameter 含义
num_leaves 取值应 <= 2 ^(max_depth), 超过此值会导致过拟合
min_data_in_leaf 将它设置为较大的值可以避免生长太深的树,但可能会导致 underfitting,在大型数据集时就设置为数百或数千
max_depth 这个也是可以限制树的深度

下表对应了 Faster Speed ,better accuracy ,over-fitting 三种目的时,可以调的参数

Faster Speed better accuracy over-fitting
max_bin 设置小一些 用较大的 max_bin max_bin 小一些
num_leaves 大一些 num_leaves 小一些
feature_fraction 来做 sub-sampling feature_fraction
bagging_fraction 和 bagging_freq 设定 bagging_fraction 和 bagging_freq
training data 多一些 training data 多一些
save_binary 来加速数据加载 直接用 categorical feature gmin_data_in_leaf 和 min_sum_hessian_in_leaf
用 parallel learning 用 dart lambda_l1, lambda_l2 ,min_gain_to_split 做正则化
num_iterations 大一些,learning_rate 小一些 max_depth 控制树的深度