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程序员文章站 2022-07-05 22:26:42
一、各版本外部存储特性 Android 4.0 支持模拟外部存储(通过FUSE实现) 出现了主外部存储,以及二级外部存储(没有接口对外暴露) 支持MTP(Media Tra...


Android 4.0



支持MTP(Media Transfer Protocol)、PTP协议(Picture Transfer Protocol)

Android 4.1


Android 4.2


Android 4.4





引入存储访问框架(SAF,Storage Access Framework)

Android 6.0


Adoptable Storage特性

Android 7.0




1. 模拟外部存储

a. 必要性

FAT32 属于微软专利,可能存在许可和法律问题(相关文章(https://www.howtogeek.com/183766/why-microsoft-makes-5-to-15-from-every-android-device-sold/));



b. 实现原理


用户空间文件系统(Filesystem in Userspace,简称FUSE)是一个面向类Unix计算机操作系统的软件接口,它使无特权的用户能够无需编辑内核代码而创建自己的文件系统。目前Linux通过内核模块对此进行支持。

sdcard守护进程模拟外部存储大致流程(Android 4.0为例):


# create virtual SD card at /mnt/sdcard, based on the /data/media directory # daemon will drop to user/group system/media_rw after initializing # underlying files in /data/media will be created with user and group media_rw (1023)service sdcard /system/bin/sdcard /data/media 1023 1023 class late_start


fd = open("/dev/fuse", O_RDWR);if (fd < 0) { ERROR("cannot open fuse device (%d)\n", errno); return -1; }


#define MOUNT_POINT "/mnt/sdcard"... sprintf(opts, "fd=%i,rootmode=40000,default_permissions,allow_other," "user_id=%d,group_id=%d", fd, uid, gid); res = mount("/dev/fuse", MOUNT_POINT, "fuse", MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV, opts);if (res < 0) { ERROR("cannot mount fuse filesystem (%d)\n", errno); return -1; }


void handle_fuse_requests(struct fuse *fuse){ unsigned char req[256 * 1024 + 128];
int len;
for (;;) { len = read(fuse->fd, req, 8192);
if (len < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR)
continue; ERROR("handle_fuse_requests: errno=%d\n", errno);
return; } handle_fuse_request(fuse, (void*) req, (void*) (req + sizeof(struct fuse_in_header)), len); } }


c. 优点




d. 劣势


e. 影响

Android 6.0以后,由于动态权限管理的需要,会存在多个fuse挂载点,这导致inotify/FileObserver对外部存储进行文件事件监控时,会丢失事件。

inotify是Linux核心子系统之一,做为文件系统的附加功能,它可监控文件系统并将异动通知应用程序。 —— *(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inotify)

2. 多用户

a. 支持版本

Android 4.2开始支持多用户,但仅限平板;

Android 5.0开始,设备制造商可以在编译时候开启多用户模块;

b. 背景知识

绑定挂载——mount —bind

MS_BIND (Linux 2.4 onward)
Perform a bind mount, making a file or a directory subtree visible at another point within a file system. Bind mounts may cross file system boundaries and span chroot(2) jails. The filesystemtype and dataarguments are ignored. Up until Linux 2.6.26, mountflags was also ignored (the bind mount has the same mount options as the underlying mount point). —— mount(2) - Linux man page(https://linux.die.net/man/2/mount)


1) 将/home目录树bind到/mnt/backup:

2) bind完成之后,对/mnt/backup的访问将等同于对/home的访问,原/mnt/backup变为不可见。


Mount namespaces provide isolation of the list of mount points seen by the processes in each namespace instance. Thus, the processes in each of the mount namespace instances will see distinct single-directory hierarchies. —— mount_namespaces(7) - Linux manual page - man7.org(https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/mount_namespaces.7.html)




为了解决这个问题,引入了挂载传播(mount propagation)。传播挂载定义了挂载点的传播类型:

1.共享挂载:此类型的挂载点会加入一个peer group,并会在group内传播和接收挂载事件;

2.从属挂载:此类型的挂载点会加入一个peer group,并会接收group内的挂载事件,但不传播;

3.共享/从属挂载:上面两种类型的共存体。可以从一个peer group(此时类型为从属挂载)接收挂载事件,再传播到另一个peer group;

4.私有挂载:此类型的挂载点没有peer group,既不传播也不接收挂载事件;


peer group的形成条件为,一个挂载点被设置成共享挂载,并满足以下任意一种情况:




[1] 如果一个共享挂载是peer group中仅存的挂载点,那么对它应用从属挂载将会导致它变为私有挂载。
[2] 对一个非共享挂载类型的挂载点,应用从属挂载是无效的。

背景知识讲到这里,其中挂载点的传播类型比较不好理解,但很重要,可以参考上面mount namespace的Linux Programmer’s Manual里面的例子(搜索MS_XXX example)进行学习,链接在这里(https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/mount_namespaces.7.html)。

c. 实现原理


以Android 4.2代码为例【mountEmulatedStorage(dalvik_system_Zygote.cpp)】:


/* * Create a private mount namespace and bind mount appropriate emulated * storage for the given user. */static int mountEmulatedStorage(uid_t uid, u4 mountMode) {
// See storage config details at https://source.android.com/tech/storage/ userid_t userid = multiuser_get_user_id(uid);


// Create a second private mount namespace for our process if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1) { SLOGE("Failed to unshare(): %s", strerror(errno));
return -1; }


// Create bind mounts to expose external storage if (mountMode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_MULTIUSER || mountMode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_MULTIUSER_ALL) {
// These paths must already be created by init.rc const char* source = getenv("EMULATED_STORAGE_SOURCE");
const char* target = getenv("EMULATED_STORAGE_TARGET");
const char* legacy = getenv("EXTERNAL_STORAGE");
if (source == NULL || target == NULL || legacy == NULL) { SLOGE("Storage environment undefined; unable to provide external storage");
return -1; }

准备挂载路径并进行绑定挂载。这里看mountMode为MOUNT_EXTERNAL_MULTIUSER时的执行分支,/mnt/shell/emulated/0将被绑定到/storage/emulated/0。如果是第二个用户,则是/mnt/shell/emulated/1绑定到/storage/emulated/1,数字就是用户id。注意这里是新的挂载命名空间,所以只有该应用看得到/storage/emulated/0下的绑定挂载,从adb shell下是看到的只能是个空目录。

// Prepare source paths char source_user[PATH_MAX];
char source_obb[PATH_MAX];
char target_user[PATH_MAX];
// /mnt/shell/emulated/0 snprintf(source_user, PATH_MAX, "%s/%d", source, userid);
// /mnt/shell/emulated/obb snprintf(source_obb, PATH_MAX, "%s/obb", source);
// /storage/emulated/0 snprintf(target_user, PATH_MAX, "%s/%d", target, userid);
if (fs_prepare_dir(source_user, 0000, 0, 0) == -1 || fs_prepare_dir(source_obb, 0000, 0, 0) == -1 || fs_prepare_dir(target_user, 0000, 0, 0) == -1) {
return -1; }
// Mount entire external storage tree for all users if (mount(source, target, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) == -1) {
SLOGE("Failed to mount %s to %s: %s", source, target, strerror(errno));
return -1; } } else { // Only mount user-specific external storage if (mount(source_user, target_user, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL) == -1) { SLOGE("Failed to mount %s to %s: %s", source_user, target_user, strerror(errno));
return -1; } }


... // Finally, mount user-specific path into place for legacy users if (mount(target_user, legacy, NULL, MS_BIND | MS_REC, NULL) == -1) { SLOGE("Failed to mount %s to %s: %s", target_user, legacy, strerror(errno));
return -1; } ...

3. 动态权限管理


Android 6.0引入了运行时权限,允许用户对危险权限进行动态授权,这部分权限包含外部存储访问权限。



Let's reinvent storage, yet again! Now that we're treating storage as a runtime permission, we need to grant read/write access without killing the app. This is really tricky, since we had been using GIDs for access control, and they're set in stone once Zygote drops privileges. The only thing left that can change dynamically is the filesystem itself, so let's do that. This means changing the FUSE daemon to present itself as three different views: /mnt/runtime_default/foo - view for apps with no access /mnt/runtime_read/foo - view for apps with read access /mnt/runtime_write/foo - view for apps with write access There is still a single location for all the backing files, and filesystem permissions are derived the same way for each view, but the file modes are masked off differently for each mountpoint. During Zygote fork, it wires up the appropriate storage access into an isolated mount namespace based on the current app permissions. When the app is granted permissions dynamically at runtime, the system asks vold to jump into the existing mount namespace and bind mount the newly granted access model into place. Bug: 21858077 Change-Id: I5a016f0958a92fd390c02b5ae159f8008bd4f4b7



切换进程的挂载命名空间,需要内核版本在3.8及以上,切换函数为setns,ndk貌似没有对开发者暴露,但可以在源码里找到arm的实现,有需要直接编入就可以了,也就一个sys call。

/* Generated by gensyscalls.py. Do not edit. */

#include ENTRY(setns) mov ip, r7 ldr r7, =__NR_setns swi #0 mov r7, ip cmn r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1) bxls lr neg r0,

c. 代码分析

源码版本:Android 6.0.0_r1


static void run(const char* source_path, const char* label, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, userid_t userid, bool multi_user, bool full_write) { ...
// 分配三个视图路径,分别为default、read和write,label一般用来标示存储,例如模拟的外置存储,这里label为"emulated" snprintf(fuse_default.dest_path, PATH_MAX, "/mnt/runtime/default/%s", label); snprintf(fuse_read.dest_path, PATH_MAX, "/mnt/runtime/read/%s", label); snprintf(fuse_write.dest_path, PATH_MAX, "/mnt/runtime/write/%s", label); ... // fuse_setup方法挂载fuse文件系统 if (multi_user) { /* Multi-user storage is fully isolated per user, so "other" * permissions are completely masked off. */ if (fuse_setup(&fuse_default, AID_SDCARD_RW, 0006) || fuse_setup(&fuse_read, AID_EVERYBODY, 0027) || fuse_setup(&fuse_write, AID_EVERYBODY, full_write ? 0007 : 0027)) { ERROR("failed to fuse_setup\n"); exit(1); } } else { /* Physical storage is readable by all users on device, but * the Android directories are masked off to a single user * deep inside attr_from_stat(). */ if (fuse_setup(&fuse_default, AID_SDCARD_RW, 0006) || fuse_setup(&fuse_read, AID_EVERYBODY, full_write ? 0027 : 0022) || fuse_setup(&fuse_write, AID_EVERYBODY, full_write ? 0007 : 0022)) { ERROR("failed to fuse_setup\n"); exit(1); } } ...
// 从原本一个处理线程变为三个,分别处理三个视图的访问请求 if (pthread_create(&thread_default, NULL, start_handler, &handler_default) || pthread_create(&thread_read, NULL, start_handler, &handler_read) || pthread_create(&thread_write, NULL, start_handler, &handler_write)) { ERROR("failed to pthread_create\n"); exit(1); } ... }

// 挂载fuse文件系统

static int fuse_setup(struct fuse* fuse, gid_t gid, mode_t mask) {
char opts[256]; fuse->fd = open("/dev/fuse", O_RDWR);
if (fuse->fd == -1) { ERROR("failed to open fuse device: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1; } umount2(fuse->dest_path, MNT_DETACH); snprintf(opts, sizeof(opts), "fd=%i,rootmode=40000,default_permissions,allow_other,user_id=%d,group_id=%d", fuse->fd, fuse->global->uid, fuse->global->gid);
if (mount("/dev/fuse", fuse->dest_path, "fuse", MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV | MS_NOEXEC | MS_NOATIME, opts) != 0) { ERROR("failed to mount fuse filesystem: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1; } fuse->gid = gid; fuse->mask = mask;
return 0; }



// Create a private mount namespace and bind mount appropriate emulated// storage for the given user.

static bool MountEmulatedStorage(uid_t uid, jint mount_mode, bool force_mount_namespace) {
// See storage config details at https://source.android.com/tech/storage/ // Create a second private mount namespace for our process if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1) { ALOGW("Failed to unshare(): %s", strerror(errno));
return false; }
// Unmount storage provided by root namespace and mount requested view UnmountTree("/storage"); String8 storageSource;
if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT) { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/default"; } else if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_READ) { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/read"; } else if (mount_mode == MOUNT_EXTERNAL_WRITE) { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/write"; } else {
// Sane default of no storage visible return true; }
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(storageSource.string(), "/storage", NULL, MS_BIND | MS_REC | MS_SLAVE, NULL)) == -1) { ALOGW("Failed to mount %s to /storage: %s", storageSource.string(), strerror(errno));
return false; }



int VolumeManager::remountUid(uid_t uid, const std::string& mode) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Remounting " << uid << " as mode " << mode; DIR* dir; struct dirent* de;
char rootName[PATH_MAX];
char pidName[PATH_MAX];
int pidFd;
int nsFd; struct stat sb; pid_t child;
if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to opendir";
return -1; } // Figure out root namespace to compare against below if (sane_readlinkat(dirfd(dir), "1/ns/mnt", rootName, PATH_MAX) == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to readlink"; closedir(dir);
return -1; } // Poke through all running PIDs look for apps running as UID while ((de = readdir(dir))) { pidFd = -1; nsFd = -1; pidFd = openat(dirfd(dir), de->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (pidFd < 0) { goto next; } if (fstat(pidFd, &sb) != 0) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to stat " << de->d_name; goto next; } if (sb.st_uid != uid) { goto next; } // Matches so far, but refuse to touch if in root namespace LOG(DEBUG) << "Found matching PID " << de->d_name;
if (sane_readlinkat(pidFd, "ns/mnt", pidName, PATH_MAX) == -1) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read namespace for " << de->d_name; goto next; } if (!strcmp(rootName, pidName)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping due to root namespace"; goto next; } // We purposefully leave the namespace open across the fork nsFd = openat(pidFd, "ns/mnt", O_RDONLY);
if (nsFd < 0) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open namespace for " << de->d_name; goto next; }
if (!(child = fork())) {
if (setns(nsFd, CLONE_NEWNS) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to setns for " << de->d_name; _exit(1); } unmount_tree("/storage"); std::string storageSource;
if (mode == "default") { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/default"; } else if (mode == "read") { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/read"; } else if (mode == "write") { storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/write"; } else {
// Sane default of no storage visible _exit(0); }
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(storageSource.c_str(), "/storage", NULL, MS_BIND | MS_REC | MS_SLAVE, NULL)) == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount " << storageSource << " for " << de->d_name; _exit(1); } // Mount user-specific symlink helper into place userid_t user_id = multiuser_get_user_id(uid); std::string userSource(StringPrintf("/mnt/user/%d", user_id));
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(userSource.c_str(), "/storage/self", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL)) == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount " << userSource << " for " << de->d_name; _exit(1); } _exit(0); } if (child == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fork"; goto next; } else { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(child, nullptr, 0)); } next: close(nsFd); close(pidFd); } closedir(dir);
return 0; }