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选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解

程序员文章站 2022-07-05 10:18:48





# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import skimage.io
import skimage.transform
import skimage.util
from skimage import segmentation, util, color, feature, io
from matplotlib import patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy

def _generate_segments(im_orig, scale, sigma, min_size):

    im_mask = segmentation.felzenszwalb(
        util.img_as_float(im_orig), scale=scale, sigma=sigma, min_size=min_size)
    # merge mask channel to the image as a 4th channel
    im_mask_ = np.zeros(im_orig.shape[:2])[:, :, np.newaxis]  # (424, 640, 1)
    im_orig = np.append(im_orig, im_mask_, axis=2)  # shape(424, 640, 4)
    #plt.imshow(im_orig[:, :, :3].astype(np.int))
    im_orig[:, :, 3] = im_mask

    plt.imshow(im_orig[:, :, 3].astype(np.int))
    #plt.imshow(im_orig.astype(np.int)) 输入四通道的图像
    return im_orig

def _sim_colour(r1, r2):
    return sum([min(a, b) for a, b in zip(r1["hist_c"], r2["hist_c"])])

def _sim_texture(r1, r2):
    return sum([min(a, b) for a, b in zip(r1["hist_t"], r2["hist_t"])])

def _sim_size(r1, r2, imsize):
        calculate the size similarity over the image
    return 1.0 - (r1["size"] + r2["size"]) / imsize

def _sim_fill(r1, r2, imsize):
    bbsize = (
        (max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]) - min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"]))
        * (max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]) - min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]))
    return 1.0 - (bbsize - r1["size"] - r2["size"]) / imsize

def _calc_sim(r1, r2, imsize):
    sim_colour = _sim_colour(r1, r2)
    sim_texture = _sim_texture(r1, r2)
    sim_size = _sim_size(r1, r2, imsize)
    sim_fill = _sim_fill(r1, r2, imsize)

    return (sim_colour + sim_texture + sim_size + sim_fill)

def _calc_texture_gradient(img):
        calculate texture gradient for entire image

        The original Selective Search algorithm proposed Gaussian derivative
        for 8 orientations, but we use LBP instead.

    im_texture = np.zeros(img.shape[:3])  # (424, 640, 4)

    for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
        im_texture[:, :, colour_channel] = feature.local_binary_pattern(
            img[:, :, colour_channel], 8, 1.0)

    return im_texture

def _calc_colour_hist(img):
        calculate colour histogram for each region

        the size of output histogram will be BINS * COLOUR_CHANNELS(3)

        number of bins is 25 as same as [uijlings_ijcv2013_draft.pdf]

        extract HSV

    BINS = 25
    hist = numpy.array([])

    for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
        c = img[:, colour_channel]

        # calculate histogram for each colour and join to the result
        hist = numpy.concatenate(
            [hist] + [np.histogram(c, BINS, (0.0, 255.0))[0]])

    # L1 normalize
    hist = hist / len(img)
    return hist

def _calc_texture_hist(img):

        the size of output histogram will be
    BINS = 10
    hist = np.array([])

    # extracting colour channel
    for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
        fd = img[:, colour_channel]

        # calculate histogram for each orientation and concatenate them all
        # and join to the result
        hist = np.concatenate(
            [hist] + [np.histogram(fd, BINS, (0.0, 1.0))[0]])

    # L1 Normalize
    hist = hist / len(img)
    return hist

def _extract_regions(img):
    R = {}

    # 记录每一个由FFelzenswalb算法分割出来的区域
    # pass 1: count pixel positions accroding segmentation image
    for y, i in enumerate(img):  # iter rows
        for x, (r, g, b, l) in enumerate(i):  # iter cols
            # initialize a new region
            if l not in R:
                R[l] = {
                    "min_x": 0xffff, "min_y": 0xffff,
                    "max_x": 0, "max_y": 0, "labels": [l]}
            # bounding box
            if R[l]["min_x"] > x:
                R[l]["min_x"] = x
            if R[l]["min_y"] > y:
                R[l]["min_y"] = y
            if R[l]["max_x"] < x:
                R[l]["max_x"] = x
            if R[l]["max_y"] < y:
                R[l]["max_y"] = y

    # pass 2: calculate texture gradient and hsv
    tex_grad = _calc_texture_gradient(img)
    hsv = color.rgb2hsv(img[:, :, :3])

    # pass 3: calculate colour histogram of each region
    for k, v in list(R.items()):
        masked = [img[:, :, 3] == k]  # true / false

        # colour histogram
        # mask the pixels in color
        masked_pixels = hsv[:, :, :][masked]   # shape( color_size, 3)
        R[k]["size"] = len(masked_pixels / 4)
        R[k]["hist_c"] = _calc_colour_hist(masked_pixels)

        # texture histogram
        # mask the pixels in texture
        masked_texture = tex_grad[:, :][masked]  # shape( color_size, 3)
        R[k]["hist_t"] = _calc_texture_hist(masked_texture)

    return R

def _extract_neighbours(regions):
        regions: dict

    def intersect(a, b):
        if (a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"]
                and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
            a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"]
                and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
            a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"]
                and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
            a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"]
                and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]):
            return True
        return False

    R = list(regions.items())
    neighbours = []

    for idx, a in enumerate(R[:-1]):
        for b in R[idx + 1:]:
            if intersect(a[1], b[1]):
                neighbours.append((a, b))

    return neighbours

def _merge_regions(r1, r2):
    new_size = r1["size"] + r2["size"]
    rt = {
        "min_x": min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"]),
        "min_y": min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]),
        "max_x": max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]),
        "max_y": max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]),
        "size": new_size,
        "hist_c": (
            r1["hist_c"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_c"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,
        "hist_t": (
            r1["hist_t"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_t"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,
        "labels": r1["labels"] + r2["labels"]
    return rt

def selective_search(im_orig, scale=1.0, sigma=0.8, min_size=50):
    :param im_orig: 
    :param scale: 
    :param sigma: 
    :param min_size: 
    assert im_orig.shape[2] == 3, "输入应该是彩色图片" #彩色图像第三个通道为3

    # load image and get smallest regions 加载图像并获得最小的候选框
    # region label is stored in the 4th value of each pixel [r,g,b,(region)] 区域标签存储在每个区域的第四个通道里面,每个像素点对应一个region
    img = _generate_segments(im_orig, scale, sigma, min_size)
    if img is None:
        print("ERROR in felzenszwalb")
        return None, {}
    #img: (640, 424, 4)
    R = _extract_regions(img)

    imsize = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]

    # extract neighbouring information
    neighbours = _extract_neighbours(R)

    # calculate initial similarities
    S = {}
    for (ai, ar), (bi, br) in neighbours:
        S[(ai, bi)] = _calc_sim(ar, br, imsize)

    # exit()
    # hierarchal search
    while S != {}:

        # get highest similarity
        # i, j = sorted(list(S.items()), cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))[-1][0]
        highest = sorted(list(S.items()), key=lambda a: a[1])[-1]
        i, j = highest[0]

        # merge corresponding regions
        t = max(R.keys()) + 1.0
        R[t] = _merge_regions(R[i], R[j])

        # mark similarities for regions to be removed
        key_to_delete = []
        for k, v in S.items():
            if (i in k) or (j in k):

        # remove old similarities of related regions
        for k in key_to_delete:
            del S[k]

        # calculate similarity set with the new region
        for k in filter(lambda a: a != (i, j), key_to_delete):
            n = k[1] if k[0] in (i, j) else k[0]
            S[(t, n)] = _calc_sim(R[t], R[n], imsize)

    regions = []
    for k, r in list(R.items()):
            'rect': (
                r['min_x'], r['min_y'],
                r['max_x'] - r['min_x'], r['max_y'] - r['min_y']),
            'size': r['size'],
            'labels': r['labels']

    return regions
def main():
    img = io.imread('person_3.png') #skimage.io 读入图片
    regions = selective_search(img, scale=500, sigma=0.9, min_size=10)

    candidates = set() #过滤找到的区域
    for r in regions:
        if r['rect'] in candidates: continue
        if r['size'] < 100: continue

    fig= plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
    for x, y, w, h in candidates:
        rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1)



选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解


选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解

原图shape为:(640, 424, 3)将掩码通道作为第四通道合并到图像。
选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解

2、使用extract_regions函数计算并且返回这些区域的信息,具体做法为:以最后一层的掩码层的值为依据将具有相同掩码值得像素点用框框起来,尽管他们之间有可能是与结果不同的值。 返回的信息包括起始像素点的坐标和终点像素点的坐标。这样会形成每个掩码值对应一个边框的现象。
选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解

选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解

选择性搜索算法(Select search, SS) 算法详解



关于相似度的计算可能会和图像的某些特性有关系,目前得我不适合了解这些太专业的知识,所以省略了。可以看做是一个value=f(img) value = f(img)