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webrtc Histogram(直方图) 算法研究

程序员文章站 2022-07-01 17:39:14

webrtc Histogram(直方图) 算法研究



  std::vector<int> buckets_;
  int forget_factor_;  // Q15
  const int base_forget_factor_;
  int add_count_;
  const absl::optional<double> start_forget_weight_;

buckets_ 桶,每一个桶代表数组索引个单位的延迟的百分比使用Q30表示(Q30代表定点数表示浮点数的方法,具体实现可以百度),所有桶相加的和为100% 如:

buckets_[1]=10% 一个单位延迟的包占比10%

buckets_[2]=20% 两个单位延迟的包占比20%

buckets_[3]=30% 三个单位延迟的包占比30%

forget_factor_ 遗忘因子,每一次跟新数据时需要遗忘的百分比。


add_count_ 所有的样本的累加数。


void Histogram::Add(int value) {
  RTC_DCHECK(value >= 0);
  RTC_DCHECK(value < static_cast<int>(buckets_.size()));
  int vector_sum = 0;  // Sum up the vector elements as they are processed.
  // Multiply each element in |buckets_| with |forget_factor_|.
  for (int& bucket : buckets_) {
    bucket = (static_cast<int64_t>(bucket) * forget_factor_) >> 15;
    vector_sum += bucket;

  // Increase the probability for the currently observed inter-arrival time
  // by 1 - |forget_factor_|. The factor is in Q15, |buckets_| in Q30.
  // Thus, left-shift 15 steps to obtain result in Q30.
  buckets_[value] += (32768 - forget_factor_) << 15;
  vector_sum += (32768 - forget_factor_) << 15;  // Add to vector sum.

  // |buckets_| should sum up to 1 (in Q30), but it may not due to
  // fixed-point rounding errors.
  vector_sum -= 1 << 30;  // Should be zero. Compensate if not.
  if (vector_sum != 0) {
    // Modify a few values early in |buckets_|.
    int flip_sign = vector_sum > 0 ? -1 : 1;
    for (int& bucket : buckets_) {
      // Add/subtract 1/16 of the element, but not more than |vector_sum|.
      int correction = flip_sign * std::min(std::abs(vector_sum), bucket >> 4);
      bucket += correction;
      vector_sum += correction;
      if (std::abs(vector_sum) == 0) {
  RTC_DCHECK(vector_sum == 0);  // Verify that the above is correct.


  // Update |forget_factor_| (changes only during the first seconds after a
  // reset). The factor converges to |base_forget_factor_|.
  if (start_forget_weight_) {
    if (forget_factor_ != base_forget_factor_) {
      int old_forget_factor = forget_factor_;
      int forget_factor =
          (1 << 15) * (1 - start_forget_weight_.value() / (add_count_ + 1));
      forget_factor_ =
          std::max(0, std::min(base_forget_factor_, forget_factor));
      // The histogram is updated recursively by forgetting the old histogram
      // with |forget_factor_| and adding a new sample multiplied by |1 -
      // forget_factor_|. We need to make sure that the effective weight on the
      // new sample is no smaller than those on the old samples, i.e., to
      // satisfy the following DCHECK.
      RTC_DCHECK_GE((1 << 15) - forget_factor_,
                    ((1 << 15) - old_forget_factor) * forget_factor_ >> 15);
  } else {//使用默认更新方式
    forget_factor_ += (base_forget_factor_ - forget_factor_ + 3) >> 2;

1.统计所有bucket * forget_factor_ 的值
vector_sum=n=0buckets.size()buckets_[n]×forget_factor_ vector\_sum = \sum_{n=0}^{buckets_.size()} buckets\_[n] \times forget\_factor\_
2.增加新到bucket 值的权重
buckets_[value]=buckets_[value]+(1forget_factor_) buckets\_[value] = buckets\_[value] + (1-forget\_factor\_)

vector_sum=vector_sum+(1forget_factor_) vector\_sum = vector\_sum + (1-forget\_factor\_)

vector_sum=1vector_sumbuckets_[n]={buckets_[n]Min(vector_sum,buckets_[n]/16)  if(vector_sum>0)buckets_[n]+Min(vector_sum,buckets_[n]/16)  if(vector_sum<0) vector\_sum = 1-vector\_sum \\ buckets\_[n]=\begin{cases} buckets\_[n] - Min(|vector\_sum|, buckets\_[n]/16) \ \ if(vector\_sum>0)\\ \\ buckets\_[n] + Min(|vector\_sum|, buckets\_[n]/16) \ \ if(vector\_sum<0)\end{cases}
4.更新forget_factor_, 使遗忘因子forget_factor_逼近base_forget_factor_(DelayManager使用start_forget_weight_进行更新,start_forget_weight_ = 2,base_forget_factor_=0.9993, )

​ 使用自定义start_forget_weight_更新
add_count_=add_count_+1forget_factor_=1(start_forget_weight_/(add_count_+1))forget_factor_=Max(0,Min(base_forget_factor_,forget_factor)) add\_count\_ = add\_count\_ + 1 \\ forget\_factor\_ = 1 - (start\_forget\_weight\_/(add\_count\_ + 1)) \\ forget\_factor\_ = Max(0,Min(base\_forget\_factor\_, forget\_factor))
​ 使用默认方式更新(其中的+3让人比较容易误解,这个3是Q30的没有多大)
forget_factor_=forget_factor_+(base_forget_factor_forget_factor_+0.000091552734375)/4 forget\_factor\_ = forget\_factor\_ + (base\_forget\_factor\_ - forget\_factor\_ + 0.000091552734375) / 4


int Histogram::Quantile(int probability) {
  // Find the bucket for which the probability of observing an
  // inter-arrival time larger than or equal to |index| is larger than or
  // equal to |probability|. The sought probability is estimated using
  // the histogram as the reverse cumulant PDF, i.e., the sum of elements from
  // the end up until |index|. Now, since the sum of all elements is 1
  // (in Q30) by definition, and since the solution is often a low value for
  // |iat_index|, it is more efficient to start with |sum| = 1 and subtract
  // elements from the start of the histogram.
  int inverse_probability = (1 << 30) - probability;
  size_t index = 0;        // Start from the beginning of |buckets_|.
  int sum = 1 << 30;       // Assign to 1 in Q30.
  sum -= buckets_[index];

  while ((sum > inverse_probability) && (index < buckets_.size() - 1)) {
    // Subtract the probabilities one by one until the sum is no longer greater
    // than |inverse_probability|.
    sum -= buckets_[index];
  return static_cast<int>(index);

n=0Bbuckets_[n]>probability \sum_{n=0}^{B} buckets\_[n] > probability


struct DelayHistogramConfig {
  int quantile = 1041529569;  // 0.97 in Q30.
  int forget_factor = 32745;  // 0.9993 in Q15.
  absl::optional<double> start_forget_weight = 2;
相关标签: webrtc