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程序员文章站 2022-06-24 23:22:54
使用控制台操作时, 首先设置 字符集 set names gbk, 否则数据库备份时很容易有乱码. 主键 – 增加主键 create table if not exists my_pri...

使用控制台操作时, 首先设置 字符集 set names gbk, 否则数据库备份时很容易有乱码.


– 增加主键

create table if not exists my_pri1 (

name varchar(20) not null comment ‘姓名’,

number char(10) primary key comment ‘学号: lanou +0000, 不能重复’

)charset utf8;

– 复合主键:

create table if not exists my_pri2(

number char(10) comment ‘学号: lanou + 0000’,

course char(10) comment ‘课程代码: 3233 + 0000’,

score tinyint unsigned default “60” comment ‘成绩’, – default(mysql 5.5版本二在控制台)设置默认值时用的双引号才有效,单引号时显示不出来或者报错了

– 增加主键: 学号 和 课程号 应该是 对应的, 具有唯一性

primary key (number,course) – 复合主键

)charset utf8;

– 追加主键

create table if not exists my_pri3(

course char(10) not null comment ‘课程编号: 3901 + 0000’,

name varchar(10) not null comment ‘课程名字’

)charset utf8;

alter table my_pri3 modify course char(10) primary key comment ‘课程编号: 3901 + 0000’;

alter table my_pri3 add primary key(course);

– 向 pri1 表插入数据

insert into my_pri1 values(‘yangyang1’,’shifan0001’),(‘yangyang2’,’shifan0002’);

insert into my_pri2 values(‘shifan0001’,’39000001’,90),(‘shifan0002’,’39000002’,90),(‘shifan0002’,’39000001’,92);

– 主键冲突(重复).

insert into my_pri1 values(‘刘玉建’,’shifan0002’); – 不可以:: 主键冲突

insert into my_pri2 values(‘shifan0001’,’39000001’,100); – 不可以:主键冲突

– 删除主键

alter table my_pri3 drop primary key;

– 自动增长.

create table if not exists my_auto(

id int primary key auto_increment comment ‘自动增长’,

name varchar(10) not null

)charset utf8;

– 触发自增长

insert into my_auto(name) values(‘杨阳’);

insert into my_auto values (null,’jiarong’);

insert into my_auto values (default,’张涛’);

– 指定数据

insert into my_auto values(6,’张三’);

insert into my_auto values(null,’李四’);

– 修改表选项的值

alter table my_auto auto_increment = 4; – 向下修改 (小)

alter table my_auto auto_increment = 10; – 向上修改(大)

– 查看自增长变量

show variables like ‘auto_increment%’;

– 修改自增长步长

set auto_increment_increment = 5; – 一次自增5.

– 测试效果, 插入记录: 是用自增长

insert into my_auto values (null,’刘阳’);

– 删除自增长

alter table my_auto modify id int primary key; – 错误:主键理论是单独存在.

alter table my_auto modify id int; – 有主键的时候,千万不要再加主键

– 唯一键

create table my_unique1(

number char(10) unique comment ‘学号: 唯一,允许为空’,

name varchar(20) not null

)charset utf8;

create table my_unique2(

number char(10) not null comment ‘学号’,

name varchar(20) not null,

– 增加唯一键

unique key(number)

)charset utf8;

– 创建表:

create table my_unique3(

id int primary key auto_increment,

number char(10) not null,

name varchar(20) not null

)charset utf8;

- 追加唯一键

alter table my_unique3 add unique key (number);

– 插入数据

insert into my_unique1 values (null,’王菲’),(‘shifan0001’,’汪峰’),(null,’李帅’);

alter table my_unique3 drop index number;

– 插入数据

insert into my_class values(‘java0001’,’a001’);

insert into my_class values(‘java0001’,’a002’); – 此条数据插不进去,逐渐冲突

insert into my_class values(‘java0002’,’a003’);

– 主键冲突: 更新

insert into my_class values(‘java0001’,’a002’)

– 冲突处理

on duplicate key update

– 更新教室

room = ‘a002’


– 主键冲突替换

replace into my_class values (‘java0002’,’a004’);

replace into my_class values (‘java0003’,’b004’);

– 复制创建表

create table my_copy like my_gbk;

– 蠕虫复制

insert into my_copy select * from my_collate_bin;

insert into my_copy select * from my_copy;

– 更新部分 a 变成 c

update my_copy set name = ‘c’ where name = ‘a’ limit 3;

– 删除数据: 限制记录数为 10;

delete from my_copy where name = ‘b’ limit 10;

– 清空表: 重置自增长

truncate my_student;

– select 选项

select * from my_copy;

select all * from my_copy;

– 去重

select distinct * from my_copy;

insert into my_student values






– 字段别名

select id,

number as 学号,

name 姓名,

sex 性别 from my_student;

– 多表数据源

select * from my_student,my_class;

– 子查询

select * from (select * from my_student) as s;

– 增加age 和 height字段

alter table my_student add age tinyint unsigned;

alter table my_student add height tinyint unsigned;

– 增加值: rand 取得一个 0 到 1 之间的随机数, floor 向下取整.

update my_student set age = floor(rand() * 20+20),

height = floor(rand() * 20 + 170);

– 找学生 id 为 1, 3,5 的学生.

select * from my_student where id = 1 || id = 3 || id = 5; – 逻辑判断

select * from my_student where id in(1,3,5); – 落在集合中

– 找身高在 180~190之间的学生

select * from my_student where height >= 180 and height <= 190;

select * from my_student where height between 180 and 190;

– 根据性别分组

select * from my_student group by sex;

– 分组统计: 身高高矮, 年龄平均和 总年龄

select sex, count(*), max(height),min(height),avg(age),sum(age) from my_student group by sex;

select sex, count(*), count(age), max(height),min(height),avg(age),sum(age) from my_student group by sex asc;

– 多字段分组:

select c_id, sex, count(*) from my_student group by c_id, sex;

select c_id, sex, count(*), group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id, sex;

– 统计

select c_id, count(*) from my_student group by c_id;

– 回溯统计

select c_id,count(*) from my_student group by c_id with rollup;

– 多字段分组回溯统计

select c_id, sex, count(*), group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id, sex;

select c_id, sex, count(*), group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id, sex with rollup;

– 求出所有班级人数大于等于 2 的学生人数.

select c_id, count() from my_student group by c_id having count() >= 2;

select c_id, count() from my_student where count() >= 2 group by c_id ;

select c_id, count(*) as total from my_student group by c_id having total >= 2;

select c_id, count(*) as total from my_student where total >= 2 group by c_id ;

– 排序

select * from my_student group by c_id;

select * from my_student order by c_id;

– 多字段排序: 先班级排序, 后性别排序

select * from my_student order by c_id desc, sex desc;

– 查询学生: 前两个

select * from my_student limit 2;

– 查询学生: 前连个

select * from my_student limit 0,2; – 记录数从 零 开始编号.

select * from my_student limit 2,2;

select * from my_student limit 4,2;