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mysql pxc LIMITATIONS 8.0.19-10

程序员文章站 2022-06-23 14:33:57
Replication works only with InnoDB storage engine. Any writes to tables of other types are not replicatedUnsupportedqueries: LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES is not supported in multi-master setups Lock functions, such as GET_LOCK(), RELEASE_LOCK(), and so o...
  1. Replication works only with InnoDB storage engine. Any writes to tables of other types are not replicated
  2. Unsupported queries: LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES is not supported in multi-master setups Lock functions, such as GET_LOCK(), RELEASE_LOCK(), and so on
  3. Query log cannot be directed to table. If you enable query logging, you must forward the log to a file:
log_output = FILE 

Use general_log and general_log_file to choose query logging and the log file name.

  1. Maximum allowed transaction size is defined by the wsrep_max_ws_rows and wsrep_max_ws_size
    wsrep_max_ws_rows:Defines the maximum number of rows each write-set can contain.
    最大允许值是 1048576。
    wsrep_max_ws_size: Defines the maximum write-set size (in bytes).
    LOAD DATA INFILE 每10000行或者更少提交一次,大事务使用LOAD DATA INFILE 会被拆分成很多小事务
    It doesn’t work as expected with autocommit=0 when enabled.
  2. Transaction issuing COMMIT may still be aborted at that stage. 在PXC中,两个事务写入相同的行并提交,只有一个事务能提交成功,失败的将中止,返回错误代码
(Error: 1213 SQLSTATE: 40001 (ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK)). 
  1. XA transactions are not supported. 提交时有可能回滚
  2. 集群的写吞吐量受到最弱的节点的限制。推荐至少3个节点, 第三个节点可以是仲裁的节点
  3. enforce_storage_engine=InnoDB is not compatible with wsrep_replicate_myisam=OFF wsrep_replicate_myisam is set to OFF by default
    参考: https://bugs.launchpad.net/percona-xtradb-cluster/+bug/1435482
  4. 避免 ALTER TABLE … IMPORT/EXPORT It can lead to node inconsistency if not executed in sync on all nodes.
  5. All tables must have a primary key . The DELETE statement is not supported on tables without a primary key.

Node Host IP
1 pxc1
1 pxc2
1 pxc3
Note: Avoid creating a cluster with two or any even number of nodes, because this can lead to split brain. For more information, see Cluster Failover


相关标签: Mysql

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