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程序员文章站 2022-06-07 12:19:45
由于项目中要和大数据团队交互,需要解析出hive中用到的表和最外层的列,后续可能还要用到各个表和字段的血缘关系,网上搜了一圈,貌似只有一个答案,基本都是复制一个模板的。而且看起来貌似也不太符合我需要的,所以想着自己解析出想要的东西,勉强够用,记录一下。 1 import com.google.com ......


  1 import com.google.common.base.joiner;
  2 import com.google.common.collect.lists;
  3 import com.google.common.collect.maps;
  4 import lombok.extern.slf4j.slf4j;
  5 import org.apache.commons.collections.collectionutils;
  6 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.node;
  7 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.astnode;
  8 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.parsedriver;
 10 import java.util.*;
 11 import java.util.stream.collectors;
 13 import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.hiveparser.*;
 15 /**
 16  * @author chentiefeng
 17  * @date 2019/10/21 13:51
 18  */
 19 @slf4j
 20 public class hivesqlparse {
 21     private parsedriver pd = new parsedriver();
 22     /**
 23      * 原始表(表名,别名)
 24      */
 25     private list<string[]> sourcetable = lists.newarraylist();
 26     /**
 27      * 插入表
 28      */
 29     private list<string> inserttables = lists.newarraylist();
 30     /**
 31      * 最外层列
 32      */
 33     private list<string> outermostcolumns = lists.newarraylist();
 34     /**
 35      * 插入分区信息(分区列,分区值)
 36      */
 37     private map<string, string> partitionmap = maps.newhashmap();
 38     /**
 39      * 最外层sel节点
 40      */
 41     private astnode outermostselnode = null;
 42     /**
 43      * 最外层insert节点
 44      */
 45     private astnode outermostinsertnode = null;
 46     /**
 47      * 放置 解析表栈
 48      */
 49     private stack<hivetableparseinfo> tableparseinfoselstack = new stack<>();
 50     private stack<hivetableparseinfo> tableparseinfofromstack = new stack<>();
 51     /**
 52      * 表关系解析信息,不包含原始表
 53      */
 54     private hivetableparseinfo tableparseinfo = null;
 56     public hivesqlparse() {
 57     }
 59     public hivesqlparse(string sql) {
 60         parse(sql);
 61     }
 63     /**
 64      * sql解析
 65      *
 66      * @param sql
 67      */
 68     public void parse(string sql) {
 69         try {
 70             astnode ast = pd.parse(sql);
 71             log.info("hivesql={},asttree={}", sql, ast.tostringtree());
 72             parsenode(ast);
 73             insert(outermostinsertnode);
 74             outermostcolumns(outermostselnode);
 75             sourcetable.removeif(arr -> arr[0].equals(inserttables.get(0)));
 76         } catch (exception e) {
 77             log.error(e.getmessage(), e);
 78             throw new runtimeexception(e);
 79         }
 80     }
 82     private void parsenode(astnode ast) {
 83         if (collectionutils.isnotempty(ast.getchildren())) {
 84             for (node child : ast.getchildren()) {
 85                 astnode cc = (astnode) child;
 86                 switch (cc.gettoken().gettype()) {
 87                     case tok_insert:
 88                         outermostinsertnode = cc;
 89                         break;
 90                     case tok_tabname:
 91                         string tablename = joiner.on(".").join(cc.getchildren().stream().map(n -> ((astnode) n).gettext()).collect(collectors.tolist()));
 92                         astnode ccchild = (astnode) cc.getparent().getchild(cc.getparent().getchildcount() - 1);
 93                         hivetableparseinfo sourcetableparseinfo = new hivetableparseinfo();
 94                         if (ccchild.gettoken().gettype() == tok_tabname) {
 95                             sourcetable.add(new string[]{tablename, ""});
 96                             sourcetableparseinfo.setalias("");
 97                         } else {
 98                             sourcetable.add(new string[]{tablename, ccchild.gettext()});
 99                             sourcetableparseinfo.setalias(ccchild.gettext());
100                         }
101                         sourcetableparseinfo.setname(tablename);
102                         if (!tableparseinfofromstack.empty()) {
103                             tableparseinfofromstack.pop().gettables().add(sourcetableparseinfo);
104                         }
105                         break;
106                     case tok_query:
107                         astnode ccc = (astnode) cc.getparent().getchild(cc.getparent().getchildcount() - 1);
108                         if (ccc.gettoken().gettype() != tok_query) {
109                             hivetableparseinfo table = new hivetableparseinfo();
110                             table.setalias(ccc.gettext());
111                             tableparseinfoselstack.push(table);
112                             tableparseinfofromstack.push(table);
113                         }
114                         break;
115                     case tok_select:
116                     case tok_selectdi:
117                         hivetableparseinfo pop = tableparseinfoselstack.pop();
118                         if (!tableparseinfoselstack.empty()) {
119                             hivetableparseinfo father = tableparseinfoselstack.peek();
120                             if (objects.nonnull(father)) {
121                                 father.gettables().add(pop);
122                             }
123                         } else {
124                             tableparseinfo = pop;
125                         }
126                         parsecolumns(cc, pop);
127                         continue;
128                     default:
129                 }
130                 parsenode(cc);
131             }
132         }
133     }
135     private void insert(astnode cn) {
136         if (collectionutils.isempty(cn.getchildren())) {
137             return;
138         }
139         for (node child : cn.getchildren()) {
140             astnode cc = (astnode) child;
141             switch (cc.gettoken().gettype()) {
142                 case tok_insert_into:
143                 case tok_destination:
144                     inserttable(cn);
145                     continue;
146                 case tok_select:
147                     outermostselnode = cn;
148                     continue;
149                 default:
150             }
151             insert(cc);
152         }
153     }
155     private void parsecolumns(astnode cc, hivetableparseinfo table) {
156         for (node node : cc.getchildren()) {
157             astnode tokselexpr = (astnode) node;
158             hivetableparseinfo.hivetablecolumnparseinfo column = new hivetableparseinfo.hivetablecolumnparseinfo();
159             string alias = getselexpralias(tokselexpr);
160             column.setname(alias);
161             parsecolumn(tokselexpr, column);
162             table.getcolumns().add(column);
163         }
164     }
167     private void parsecolumn(astnode tokselexpr, hivetableparseinfo.hivetablecolumnparseinfo column) {
168         if (collectionutils.isempty(tokselexpr.getchildren())) {
169             return;
170         }
171         for (node child : tokselexpr.getchildren()) {
172             astnode cc = (astnode) child;
173             if (cc.gettoken().gettype() == tok_table_or_col) {
174                 astnode ccc = (astnode) cc.getparent().getchild(cc.getparent().getchildcount() - 1);
175                 string[] item;
176                 if (ccc.gettoken().gettype() == tok_table_or_col) {
177                     item = new string[]{cc.getchild(0).gettext(), ""};
178                 } else {
179                     item = new string[]{ccc.gettext(), cc.getchild(0).gettext()};
180                 }
181                 optional<string[]> any = column.getsourcelist().stream().filter(s -> arrays.equals(item, s)).findany();
182                 if (!any.ispresent()) {
183                     column.getsourcelist().add(item);
184                 }
185                 continue;
186             }
187             parsecolumn(cc, column);
188         }
189     }
191     /**
192      * 插入信息
193      *
194      * @param cn
195      */
196     private void inserttable(astnode cn) {
197         if (collectionutils.isempty(cn.getchildren())) {
198             return;
199         }
200         for (node child : cn.getchildren()) {
201             astnode cc = (astnode) child;
202             switch (cc.gettoken().gettype()) {
203                 case tok_tabname:
204                     string tablename = joiner.on(".").join(cc.getchildren().stream().map(n -> ((astnode) n).gettext()).collect(collectors.tolist()));
205                     inserttables.add(tablename);
206                     break;
207                 case tok_partval:
208                     if (cc.getchildcount() == 2) {
209                         partitionmap.put(cc.getchild(0).gettext(), cc.getchild(1).gettext());
210                     } else {
211                         partitionmap.put(cc.getchild(0).gettext(), null);
212                     }
213                     break;
214                 default:
215             }
216             inserttable(cc);
217         }
218     }
220     /**
221      * 最外层列
222      *
223      * @param cn
224      */
225     private void outermostcolumns(astnode cn) {
226         if (collectionutils.isempty(cn.getchildren())) {
227             return;
228         }
229         for (node cnchild : cn.getchildren()) {
230             astnode cc = (astnode) cnchild;
231             if (cc.gettoken().gettype() == tok_selexpr) {
232                 string alias = getselexpralias(cc);
233                 outermostcolumns.add(alias);
234                 continue;
235             }
236             outermostcolumns(cc);
237         }
238     }
240     /**
241      * 列别名获取
242      *
243      * @param cc
244      * @return
245      */
246     private string getselexpralias(astnode cc) {
247         astnode child = (astnode) cc.getchild(cc.getchildcount() - 1);
248         if (child.gettoken().gettype() == tok_table_or_col || child.gettoken().gettype() == dot) {
249             return child.getchild(child.getchildcount() - 1).gettext();
250         } else {
251             return child.gettext();
252         }
253     }
255     public list<string> getoutermostcolumns() {
256         return outermostcolumns;
257     }
259     public list<string> getsourcetables() {
260         return sourcetable.stream().map(t -> t[0]).distinct().collect(collectors.tolist());
261     }
263     public string getinserttable() {
264         return collectionutils.isnotempty(inserttables) ? inserttables.get(0) : null;
265     }
267     public map<string, string> getpartition() {
268         return partitionmap;
269     }
271     public hivetableparseinfo gettableparseinfo() {
272         return tableparseinfo;
273     }
275     public static void main(string[] args) {
276         string sql23 = "insert overwrite table risk_event partition(year='2019',dt) select t.ops as order_no,t.id_no ,concat(t.consumer_no,'aa') dd,aadx from (select concat(a.opt_id,b.opt_id) as ops,b.id_no from ods.arc_event a left outer join ods.arc_user b on a.consumer_no = b.consumer_no) t left outer join (select order_no from arc_verify where dt = '20191023') t1 on t.consumer_no = t1.consumer_no";
277 //        string sql23 = "insert overwrite table riskt_eventpartition select opt_id from arc_event a inner join arc_user b";
278 //        string sql23 = "insert overwrite table riskt_eventpartition select opt_id from arc_event";
279 //        string sql23 = "select sum(case when rcw.eventid=2 and rcw.method = 'sendevent' then 1 else 0 end) as successcnt," +
280 //                "       sum(case when rcw.eventid=4 and rcw.method = 'risklevel' then 1 else 0 end) as paycnt," +
281 //                "       sum(case when rcw.eventid=2 and rcw.method = 'sendevent' then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when rcw.eventid=4 and rcw.method = 'risklevel' then 1 else 0 end) as rate" +
282 //                "  from (\n" +
283 //                "        select distinct payorderid," +
284 //                "               eventid," +
285 //                "               method" +
286 //                "          from log.pay_rc_warden_event_basic" +
287 //                "         where dt = '20180715'" +
288 //                "       ) rcw";
289         hivesqlparse hivesqlparse = new hivesqlparse(sql23);
290         system.out.println(hivesqlparse.getsourcetables());
291         system.out.println(hivesqlparse.getoutermostcolumns());
292         system.out.println(hivesqlparse.getinserttable());
293         system.out.println(hivesqlparse.getpartition());
294         system.out.println(hivesqlparse.gettableparseinfo());
295     }
296 }