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关于SQL case when的用法介绍

程序员文章站 2022-06-05 14:25:44
sql case when 用法 主要是给变量赋值,将连续型变量离散化,主要用sql中的case when 实例: create table table_name_new as ----将时间离散化...

sql case when 用法

主要是给变量赋值,将连续型变量离散化,主要用sql中的case when


create table table_name_new as ----将时间离散化为时间段,并创建一个新表table_name_new

select * ,


when call_period >= '00' and call_period < '08' then 'period_1'

when call_period >= '08' and call_period < '11' then 'period_2'

when call_period >= '11' and call_period < '13' then 'period_3'

when call_period >= '13' and call_period < '17' then 'period_4'

when call_period >= '17' and call_period < '19' then 'period_5'

when call_period >= '19' and call_period < '24' then 'period_6'

else null end time_period

from table_name -- 原表