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JSF 2.2 草案发布

程序员文章站 2022-03-09 16:45:01
JSF 2.2 规范是从去年在维也纳举行的CON-FESS会议上开始讨论的。近日,JSF专家组公布了JSF 2.2 规范的草案(Early Draft Review)。

你可以通过下面的地址下载该草案:http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/edr/jsr344/。也可以查看Ed Burns的这篇博文来快速了解草案的内容。Ed Burns是Sun公司的高级工程师,在JCP领导JSF规范的制定,同时他也是JavaServer Faces:The Complete Reference一书的作者之一。

Ed Burns在博文中重申了“2.0仍为JSF目前的最新大版本,并且今后还将发布一些小的维护版本”。另外,Ed Burns表示,JSF 2.2有望在2012年上半年完成。

据Ed Burns描述,在JSF 2.2草案中你首先看到就是“2.2相对2.1中的改进”,这部分其实是一个JIRA问题列表。摘录如下:


This one is taken directly from Seam's Faces Module. This feature viewMetadata to the next level by letting you include actions in the metadata and customizing how and when the action is delivered. Just a <f:viewParam> is an EditableValueHolder, <f:viewAction> is an ActionSource2.


Make it possible for a Facelets Tag Library to have both composite and non-composite components.


Every kind of artifact created by JSF is now fully injectable via CDI and also can have @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotated methods which will get called at the right time.


Standardize how JSF provides CSRF protection.


Make it possible to declare a Facelets ResourceResolver without using XML.



Bring the best of Spring Web Flow, ADF Task Flows, and MyFaces CODI to the JSF spec. This feature intends to provide support for encapsulating related views together such that applications can be created as composites of modules of functionality, with each module consiting of well defined entry and exit conditions.


Finally add a component for file upload.


My friend and fellow java.net blogger Mamadou Lamine Ba has done some great work on this idea and is donating the core of it to the JSF 2.2 spec. The idea is to bring the best of Joomla! to the JSF spec. When you combine this feature with 730-TaskFlows, and put the result on top of the cloud features of JavaEE 7, you have a very compelling multi-tenant capable platform. Please see Lamine's blog entrys from 28 August 2011 and 5 June 2011 for some great details and a sharp looking demo, running on Google App Engine.

另外,若你也想获取JSF 2.2的参考实现(in progress),可以参见Ed Burns另一篇博文中的指示。

Via  java.net

相关标签: JSF Java