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JQuery+Bootstrap 自定义全屏Loading插件

程序员文章站 2022-05-26 14:48:18
基本调用: 自动关闭: 销毁Loading Dom节点: ......
 1 /**
 2  * 自定义loading插件
 3  * @param {object} config
 4  * {
 5  * content[加载显示文本],
 6  * time[自动关闭等待时间(ms)]
 7  * } 
 8  * @param {string} config 
 9  * 加载显示文本
10  * @refer 依赖 jquery-1.9.1及以上、bootstrap-3.3.7及以上
11  * @return {kz_loading} 对象实例
12  */
13 function kz_loading(config) {
14     if (this instanceof kz_loading) {
15         const domtemplate = '<div class="modal fade kz-loading" data-kzid="@@kz_loadin_id@@" backdrop="static" keyboard="false"><div style="width: 200px;height:20px; z-index: 20000; position: absolute; text-align: center; left: 50%; top: 50%;margin-left:-100px;margin-top:-10px"><div class="progress progress-striped active" style="margin-bottom: 0;"><div class="progress-bar" style="width: 100%;"></div></div><h5>@@kz_loading_text@@</h5></div></div>';
16         this.config = {
17             content: 'loading...',
18             time: 0,
19         };
20         if (config != null) {
21             if (typeof config === 'string') {
22                 this.config = object.assign(this.config, {
23                     content: config
24                 });
25             } else if (typeof config === 'object') {
26                 this.config = object.assign(this.config, config);
27             }
28         }
29         this.id = new date().gettime().tostring();
30         this.state = 'hide';
32         /*显示 */
33         this.show = function () {
34             $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + this.id + ']').modal({
35                 backdrop: 'static',
36                 keyboard: false
37             });
38             this.state = 'show';
39             if (this.config.time > 0) {
40                 var that = this;
41                 settimeout(function () {
42                     that.hide();
43                 }, this.config.time);
44             }
45         };
46         /*隐藏 */
47         this.hide = function (callback) {
48             $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + this.id + ']').modal('hide');
49             this.state = 'hide';
50             if (callback) {
51                 callback();
52             }
53         };
54         /*销毁dom */
55         this.destroy = function () {
56             var that = this;
57             this.hide(function () {
58                 var node = $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + that.id + ']');
59                 node.next().remove();
60                 node.remove();
61                 that.show = function () {
62                     throw new error('对象已销毁!');
63                 };
64                 that.hide = function () {};
65                 that.destroy = function () {};
66             });
67         }
69         var domhtml = domtemplate.replace('@@kz_loadin_id@@', this.id).replace('@@kz_loading_text@@', this.config.content);
70         $('body').append(domhtml);
71     } else {
72         return new kz_loading(config);
73     }
74 }


1 var loading = new kz_loading('数据加载中。。。');
2 settimeout(function () {
3    console.log('加载完成!');
4    loading.hide();
5 }, 1000);


1 var loading = new kz_loading({
2     content: '数据加载中。。。',
3     time: 2000
4 });
5 loading.show();

销毁loading dom节点:

1 loading.destroy();