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又一种分布式数据库存储系统 MckoiDDB

程序员文章站 2022-05-21 19:25:56
MckoiDDB 全称为Mckoi Distributed Database,它是基于Java 1.6开发的一种分布式数据库系统,采用100%纯Java编写,可以运行在任何操作系统上,并且遵从GPLv3开源License。
MckoiDDB is a database system used by software developers to create applications that store data over a cluster of machines in a network. It is designed to be used in online environments where there are very large sets of both small and big data items that need to be stored, accessed and indexed efficiently in a network cluster. The focus of the MckoiDDB architecture is to support low latency query performance, provide strong data consistency through snapshot transaction isolation, and provide tools to manage logical data models that may change dramatically in physical network environments that may experience similar dramatic change.

MckoiDDB号称对小数据集与大数据集都有很好的支持,更加详细的信息请参考官方网站 http://www.mckoi.com/
相关标签: performance