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Apache Wicket 1.5 正式发布

程序员文章站 2022-04-27 14:37:48

Apache Wicket 团队正式发布了 Apache Wicket 1.5, 一个基于组件的开源 WEB 框架。Apache Wicket 1.5 经过两年的开发,与之前版本相比,带来无数的改进。


如果使用Maven,可以添加下面的代码到 POM 升级到最新版本:



值得注意的是,Wicket 的主 artifact ID 更名为 wicket-core。

你必须升级所有的模块(i.e. wicket, wicket-extensions,
wicket-ioc, wicket-spring, etc) 到1.5.0,在使用最新版本,不要混合使用之前的版本。


这个发布版本中,Wicket 团队对其内部进行了大量的更新。包括:

- 添加了 HTML5 组件: EmailTextField, NumberTextField, UrlTextField and

- 全新的组件内事件机制 (下面会解释)

- servlet API 最低版本为 servlet-api 2.5

- 所有的标准的 validators 继承了 Behavior 以便客户端验证

- 删除 IBehavior,AbstractBehavior 标志为过时,现在你应该直接从 Behavior 继承。

- 简化请求生命周期处理,使其更有扩展性

- URL 集中处理

- Wicket’s rendering 代码大大简化

- 改进了浏览器缓存支持

- ClientSideImageMap 代替了旧的 ImageMap

- Better support for running behind proxies with x-forwarded-for header

- Request cycle listeners  使集成框架到你的 Wicket 应用中变得更加简单

-  一致的命名: 方法名的 Javascript 更名为 JavaScript

- 切换到 HTTPS 很简单,只配置一个新的 root mapper,让 Wicket 能够识别 HTTPS,在页面添加  @RequireHttps



Wicket 1.5 offers a simple, yet flexible, way for component to communicate
with each other in a decoupled manner. The two major interfaces that
facilitate this are:

* Objects that can send events
public interface IEventSource {
     void send(IEventSink sink, Broadcast broadcast, T payload);


* Objects that can receive events
public interface IEventSink
     * Called when an event is sent to this sink
    void onEvent(IEvent&gt; event);

The classes that implement these interfaces, and can thus participate in the
event mechanism are: Component, RequestCycle, Session, and Application.

The mechanism allows for different event broadcast methods defined here:

* Defines the event broadcast type.
public enum Broadcast {

There is an example in wicket-examples which demonstrates the usage of this.

Applications can register custom event dispatchers in FrameworkSettings; the
dispatchers can be used to build custom event delivery mechanisms. For example
a custom IEventDispatcher mechanism can route events to annotated methods, for

public class MyComponent extends Component {
    private void onUserAdded(UserAddedEvent event) {...}

where UserAddedEvent is the event payload object.

The default Component#onEvent method will be called even if custom dispatchers
are registered.

A default event is raised whenever Wicket begins to create an AJAX response.
The payload of the event is the AjaxRequestTarget used for event. Sample


// component that always adds itself to the ajax response
public class MyComponent extends Component {
    public void onEvent(IEvent event) {
        if (event.getPayload() instanceof AjaxRequestTarget) {