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Docker daemon 无法启动: does not match with stored UUID错误解决办法

程序员文章站 2022-07-20 22:35:33
docker daemon 无法启动: does not match with stored uuid错误      &...

docker daemon 无法启动: does not match with stored uuid错误

             最近做项目,遇到docker daemon 无法启动: does not match with stored uuid错误的问题,经过上网查找资料解决了问题,这里记录下解决办法。

 docker 默认使用loop设备存储镜像。使用/var/lib/docker存储。但是当根分区不够大的时候(centos7默认安装只有50g),那就麻烦了。


1.  systemctl stop docker

2.  mount   /dev/sdb1  /tmp

3.  cp -arf /var/lib/docker/*  /tmp

4.  rm -rf  /var/lib/docker

5.  umount /tmp;   mount /dev/sdb1  /var/lib/docker

6.  systemctl start docker


nov 03 15:35:47 master-57 dockerd[11586]: time="2016-11-03t15:35:47.950627346+08:00" level=error msg="[graphdriver] prior storage driver \"devicemapper\" failed: devmapper: base device uuid and filesystem verification failed: devmapper:current base device uuid:15b94e74-7712-44bc-b695-9c2c633b8b3a does not match with stored uuid:cba4570c-421a-4612-8030-e7734d6365c7. possibly using a different thin pool than last invocation"
nov 03 15:35:47 master-57 dockerd[11586]: time="2016-11-03t15:35:47.950782770+08:00" level=fatal msg="error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver: devmapper: base device uuid and filesystem verification failed: devmapper: current base device uuid:15b94e74-7712-44bc-b695-9c2c633b8b3a does not match with stored uuid:cba4570c-421a-4612-8030-e7734d6365c7. possibly using a different thin pool than last invocation"


stored uuid 存储在 /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/metadata/deviceset-metadata 里面。 替换成current base device uuid即可。

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