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inheritance mapping

程序员文章站 2022-07-15 13:12:58
the three strategies:
[*]table per class hierarchy
[*]table per subclass
[*]table per concrete class

[b]1.Table per class hierarchy[/b]
Suppose we have an interface Payment with the implementors CreditCardPayment and CashPayment. The table per class hierarchy mapping would display in the following way:

<class name="Payment" table="PAYMENT">
<id name="id" type="long" column="PAYMENT_ID">
<generator class="native"/>
<discriminator column="PAYMENT_TYPE" type="string"/>
<property name="amount" column="AMOUNT"/>
<subclass name="CreditCardPayment" discriminator-value="CREDIT">
<property name="creditCardType" column="CCTYPE"/>
<subclass name="CashPayment" discriminator-value="CASH">

Exactly one table is required. There is one limitation of this mapping:columns declared by the subclass cannot have [i]not null [/i]constraints.